The disturbing Santa Claus connection to the Bible

By WND Staff

Whenever Christmastime gets near, American culture is inundated with countless images about the legendary Santa Claus.

“You better watch out,” the song goes, because “Santa Claus is comin’ to town.”

But is there a Santa Claus connection to the Bible?

You might be surprised to find out there is.

Don’t get us wrong. You won’t find the words Santa Claus on any page of Scripture.

And no, you won’t find a single mention of Saint Nicholas or Saint Nick in the Bible.

Yet, there is a connection, at least indirectly.

Bible is completely true, but you may never have heard the spectacular,
ultimate destiny God has in store for you. It’s far more glorious than
just floating around on clouds in heaven! Find out what you’ve never
been told,
direct from your very own Bible!

A very popular name for Santa Claus, especially in the United States, is Kris Kringle.

Even in the famous 1947 movie, “Miracle on 34th Street,” the name of the character who claimed to be Santa Claus was Kris Kringle.

In 1947’s “Miracle on 34th Street,” young actress Natalie Wood meets “Kris Kringle,” who says he’s Santa Claus. 

But do you know the origin of the name Kris Kringle?

Kris Kringle actually derives from the German term “Christkindl,” which means, believe it or not, “Christ child.” Christkindl dates back to the days of Martin Luther, who sought his own version of Saint Nicholas.

“It’s astonishing – not to mention disturbing – that Jesus Christ, whom some people refer to as the Christ child, has morphed over the years into Kris Kringle, also known as Santa Claus,” says Joe Kovacs, author of “Shocked by the Bible: The Most Astonishing Facts You’ve Never Been Told.”

The book stuns people with well-researched information that reveals just exactly what’s included in the Bible, and what’s not.

Of course, while Santa Claus is not found in the Bible, your mind probably conjures up an instant image of an old, white-bearded, obese man in a red and white suit.

But that concept is a fairly recent invention. You may not know that in the 1800s, Santa Claus appeared young and elflike in many illustrations.

The change toward the chubby character got a lot of help from American advertising, specifically from the Coca-Cola Company.

The soda giant sought to remind people Coke was not to be enjoyed only during the summer, so Michigan-born illustrator Haddon Sundblom sketched a fat man in a red suit, and the company marketed its product during the winter.

yourself, your friends and relatives with an autographed copy of
“Shocked by the Bible,” exclusively from WND’s online store. If you
prefer ordering by phone, call our toll-free order line:
1-800-4-WND-COM (1-800-496-3266).

The information regarding Santa Claus is just one of many Christmas goodies revealed in “Shocked by the Bible.”

Kovacs explores the history of the holiday, and the concerns many of
America’s founders had, even banning its celebration in colonial New England.

He also examines what the Bible
actually says about the birth of Jesus, from an angel announcing to Mary she
would bear the Son of God, to the slaughter of all male children in an attempt
to extinguish the life of the Savior of mankind.

In the process, many
myths and misconceptions are shattered about the Christmas story, including:

  • The Bible never specifically mentions the day, month, year or even season
    Jesus was born.
  • There’s no mention of a Christmas

    or any tree in the gospels recording Jesus’ birth. However, there is a custom
    mentioned in the Old Testament that shows people decorating trees with silver
    and gold. You might be astounded to find out what God says about such a

“I know that Christmas is a very sacred and special time to countless
millions,” says Kovacs. “But so many people are still in the dark about what’s
actually in their own Bible, and what’s not. I just want them to crack it open
and find out. They might be very surprised.”

And Christmas is only the beginning. There are 27 information-packed chapters
in “Shocked,” revealing some amazing truths.

Did you know …

  • The Bible never says Jesus died on a Friday or rose
    from the grave Sunday morning
  • Noah brought a lot more than just two of certain animals aboard the Ark
  • The word “Easter
    has vanished from modern Bible translations
  • God sought to kill Moses, shortly after telling him to lead the Israelites
    to freedom
  • Jesus made personal appearances in the Old Testament
  • The worst case of hemorrhoids in history is recorded

Kovacs was recently a guest on the Rusty
Humphries radio show to shatter misconceptions
many people have about the

You can listen to the entire interview by clicking the play button below:

Hear Joe Kovacs talk with
Rusty Humphries about “Shocked by the Bible”

“Shocked by the
has become an instant smash, twice hitting No. 1 in three
Bible-related categories on with readers giving it
high praise

“Shocked by
the Bible” skyrocketed to three No.1 spots on before and after its
official release

It’s still
ranked near the top of Amazon’s Most Wished For List for all Bible-related
. It also soared to No. 1 on the WND
Best-Seller list

“If you think you really know the Bible, better think again,” warns Fox News’
Bill O’Reilly. “Your parents never told you this stuff was in the
Bible,” adds radio talker and author Melanie Morgan. WND founder Joseph Farah
simply says, “‘Shocked by the Bible’ is nothing short of genius.”

Kovacs has written countless reports in his 25-year news career. Many have
focused on biblical issues such as chariot wheels
said to be found in the Red Sea
, searches for Noah’s Ark and
the Ark of the
, and controversies over Christmas and
Easter holidays
as well as the Saturday-vs.-Sunday

He has received many awards for news excellence from the
Associated Press and United Press International. He’s run television, radio and
print newsrooms in the U.S., as well as Budapest, Hungary. Kovacs is also
regarded as one of the premier creative headline writers in the news business

Find out what
you’ve been missing. Get “Shocked by the Bible: The Most Astonishing Facts
You’ve Never Been Told” personally autographed by the author. It makes a
brilliant gift that will be remembered for a lifetime.

To interview Joe Kovacs, author of “Shocked by the Bible,” please contact him.