What is the big deal about the birth of Jesus Christ? He was crucified with common criminals and he’s been dead for 2,000 years. If Jesus was God, or the son of God as some claim, why couldn’t he save himself?
Why make such a big fuss over this holiday?
If that is how you feel, then this is for you.
If you have rejected the Bible as the inspired word of God and Jesus Christ, who is at the center of the Bible, you certainly are a man or woman of great faith.
Yes, it takes a lot of faith to stake your life on the claims of those who have sought and failed to disprove the Bible as truth and have ignored the preponderance of evidence that attests to its authenticity.
The arguments of biblical skeptics are easily debunked. They often end up butting heads as they come full circle. The skeptics, in an effort to bolster their claims, strain at gnats, like a few unimportant copyists errors that have occurred through the ages that do not in any way affect the historical facts, central truths or the Christian faith and practice. The few inaccuracies that have occurred are easily discernible and often little more than slips of a pen.
There is more evidence to support the Bible than any other ancient work. The Bible contains many facts that, at the time they were revealed, were considered ridiculous but now have been verified by archeology and science.
The Bible was written by 40 different authors, using different languages, from many different backgrounds, on three continents, over a period of 1,500 years. Yet,
it is 100 percent consistent.
But the greatest evidence that the Bible is God’s holy word and that Jesus was God incarnate is fulfilled prophesy. The Bible contains more than 1,000 prophecies, 322 on the Messiah, Jesus, alone. None of these prophecies were ever proved false and those yet to be fulfilled relate to the end times and the second coming of Christ.
The odds against all of these prophecies being fulfilled are staggering. In fact, scientists consider that anything beyond one chance in 10 to the 50th power is beyond reason or essentially impossible.
However, Bible critics ask you to assume nothing in the Bible is true unless it is proved correct by some outside source. The Bible should be assumed to be correct until some evidence is brought forth to contradict it. After all, this is the method used to determine the reliability of every other piece of literature.
When you study the Bible and consider the probability of just the prophecies about Jesus being fulfilled, you will discover for yourself that there is little room for doubt.
Jesus claimed to be the Son of God, God in human flesh. He backed up this claim with the most extraordinary event in history. He came back from the dead as He promised. No one has been able to disprove that event!
There is no other religious figure who predicted his own death and resurrection and accomplished it. All other religions are based on a dead founder whose teaching is his only legacy.
Christianity is based on the eternal and living Jesus Christ.
Christ had many enemies. If the Jews or the Romans could have produced a body, or any evidence that Jesus’ body had been stolen, they would have. Certainly, it was not for lack of trying. In fact, the Romans posted a guard at his tomb to make sure nothing happened to the body. A typical Roman guard consisted of 16 men. A Roman guard who failed at his post was subject to the harshest punishment, even crucifixion.
After the resurrection, Jesus appeared to his disciples and other followers on several different occasions over a 40-day period before he ascended to Heaven. On one such occasion, He appeared to more than 500 people.
Jesus clearly is the most controversial figure in history. Not because the evidence of His life, death and resurrection is lacking, but because of His message: “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me.” John 14:6. NAS
However, the greatest evidence that Jesus is real are the lives that have been changed as a result of a relationship with the living Christ.
You owe it to yourself to read the Bible and examine the evidence for yourself. Then, you will discover why Christmas is special.
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Wayne Allyn Root