When our first child started kindergarten years ago, I was scared to death. I recall thinking that if this child experienced half of the psychological and emotional trauma I experienced due to the machinations of “conscientious” New York liberal educators, I would wind up on “America’s Most Wanted” at the very least.
While the monopoly the state has on education and the subversion of the public school system can raise an almost murderous ire among informed parents, it remains one of the least addressed issues in the public arena. This is, of course, in a large part due to such things as the recent economic meltdown and the war on terror having been made chief concerns of the 2008 general election.
What might be taken as mere murmurings by some Americans (who do not expose themselves to alternative media sources as readily as others) are already front-burner issues to those conservatives who have already moved beyond the election and the presidential honeymoon. Such people are reading the political winds and considering the practical ramifications of our national government’s current composition.
One of the many concerns that detractors of President-elect Barack Obama held prior to the election was his potential effect on education given the history of his associations and support for the further insinuation of far-left dogma into schools. While Obama was a member of the board of the Annenberg Foundation, Chicago received $49 million toward education from the foundation, and $98 million from the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, yet the state of education in that city remains dismal. The involvement of former domestic terrorist William Ayers (a Challenge founder) was also a sore point for Obama opponents during the election cycle, since Ayers’ goals were geared toward a wholesale reformation of the Chicago school system in the Marxist image.
Since the election, militant gays in particular have been emboldened toward advancing their agenda, specifically in the areas of gay “marriage” and homosexuality as portrayed in the educational system. This has become of particular concern to conservatives and conservative Christians,” who have no reason not to anticipate further and aggressive encroachment of the secular left into national education.
One of the blessings Americans have enjoyed thus far is that the K-12 curricula in public schools have been heavily influenced contingent upon geography. While public schools in large urban areas can be considered lost to the far left, many districts in less densely populated areas (such as the Midwest and Southwest) reflect the more traditional values of educators therein. This could change, however, if such things as the redefinition of marriage come to pass. School districts could be denied federal funding if they failed to promote a vision of marriage suitable to gay lobbyists. The frustration of parents in more liberal urban centers would become a national dilemma, particularly among working-class families that could not afford to send their children to private schools.
In his book, “Other People’s Money,” world-renowned economist Paul Zane Pilzer put forth a feasible design for privatizing American schools and allowing market forces to dictate what curricula survived. This is not likely to come about in our lifetimes, of course, due to the entrenchment of the National Education Association, or NEA, and the strong allegiance House and Senate Democrats have toward the NEA.
Some conservative pundits have even sounded the alarm of an all-out attack on homeschooling during Obama’s presidency. While it is not likely that Obama will bring this about himself, there is no doubt that he will continue to support the corrupt and inefficient state school system and the NEA. The symbiotic relationship between his party and these entities – as well as the function they perform as agents of Marxist indoctrination – indicate few other courses.
And what of the ambulating obscenity that is Bill Ayers? Will he have any influence – directly or indirectly – on the Obama White House or the Department of Education? This remains to be seen. Despite his nefarious reputation, he remains unapologetic and arrogant, and would no doubt jump at the chance to infect the minds of all America’s schoolchildren with his fetid, anti-American, Marxist drivel. He has been made respectable, by extension, as Obama has been validated despite his political shortcomings.
Those supporters of homeschooling, tuition tax credits and vouchers may indeed have a fight on their hands in the years to come, but promoting these in a comprehensive manner may be the best chance our kids have.
Democrats’ seething hatred for America
Wayne Allyn Root