George Bush is still president, although, to look at media you’d think his presidency was long gone.
Barack Obama is preparing to take over the leadership of this country in the midst of a growing swirl of controversy, potential if not actual scandal, a financial situation that, for all the idealizing of FDR, carries the threat of economic collapse and a world situation that appears about to ignite a conflagration that will make Iraq and Afghanistan look like child’s play.
There are concerns about his place of birth and whether he’s constitutionally eligible to be president.
He ignores it, refuses to provide documentation and seals all records of his life, family, education and work experience. Media ignore the questions, and those asking are ridiculed.
Ominously, the upcoming political fraud trial of Norman Hsu, a major Hillary Clinton fundraiser, may have a connection to Barack Obama. Thus far, there’s been no media coverage.
Talk about Teflon – nothing sticks to this guy.
Remember the screams against George Bush after Florida, alleging a stolen election? The left still rails about that even though the court didn’t agree.
Where are they now that Democrat Al Franken is on the verge of a classic election theft in Minnesota against incumbent GOP Sen. Norm Coleman? Texas Sen. John Cornyn threatens a legal challenge as well as a filibuster against attempts to seat Franken.
It’s amazing how absentee ballots can just be “found.”
Illinois reverberates with scandal and fraud – nothing new about that.
Gov. Rod Blagojevich is arrested for attempting to sell the senate seat of – uh oh – Barack Obama. The governor faces threats of impeachment, yet he went ahead and named Roland Burris to fill Obama’s seat, a move fought by Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White. In this case, even D.C. Democrats aren’t happy.
One thing certain: The goal is to keep that senate seat safe for a black person.
Apparently, in our color-blind society, skin color is very important and appears to be a definite Democrat qualification for office.
New York’s political swamp roils concerning filling the Senate seat of Hillary Clinton, who is poised – uh, no, not to be president – to be Obama’s secretary of state.
The issue here isn’t skin color but sex. Remember Madeleine Albright and Condoleezza Rice? Here comes Hillary.
So what happens? How about Camelot?
It’s a double play – replace a woman with a woman and recreate the Kennedy myth with Caroline.
Jackie Kennedy Onassis must be turning in her grave. She spent her whole life keeping her kids, Caroline and John, away from politics and the Kennedys. She feared assassination for her son. She never wanted him to be a pilot. Then, after she died, he learned and was killed in a freak crash. And now, her daughter “wants to serve.”
Caroline has no job or political experience, no media finesse, and has a terrible need for speech training; but, hey, she’s a Kennedy.
No, actually, she’s a Schlossberg, as in “Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg.” But where is her husband, Edwin Schlossberg? Where’s media scrutiny of him and their three children? Why no mention of those rumors of their rocky marriage and possible flings?
Where are the tabloids when we need them?
With all this as examples of “how to succeed,” is it any wonder we’re in for more of the same?
A national survey of nearly 30,000 students from 100 public and private high schools by the Josephson Ethics Institute in Los Angeles shows we have a generation of cheaters, liars and thieves on our hands, and it gets worse annually.
The students participated anonymously in the classroom questionnaires.
Good thing, since the findings were pretty dismal.
According to founder and president Michael Josephson, 30 percent of the students stole from a store and 64 percent cheated on a test. Of the thieves, 20 percent said they stole from a friend and 23 percent stole from a parent or other relative. They admit to Internet plagiarizing and lying to save money.
Josephson astutely commented, as quoted in the Tulsa World: “What’s the social cost of that – not to mention the implication for the next generation of mortgage brokers?”
Given that revelations of misdeeds by politicians, financial leaders and advisers have led to no repercussions for them, the kids just figure, anything goes! Everybody does it – and gets away with it.
Unfortunately educators excuse this mess. Most questioned that today’s teens cheat more than prior generations.
The principal of Andover H.S. in Massachusetts said he saw little cheating or plagiarism, but there was more homework sharing in “unauthorized ways.”
Mel Riddle, of the National Assn of Secondary School Principles, prattled on about “increased competition” and “pressure” and “greater temptations” and “cheating opportunities.”
He said he prefers today’s kids to prior generations and that “we” have to provide them with the atmosphere to do the right things.
He added, “We need to create classrooms where learning takes on more importance than having the right answer.”
Nijmie Dzurinko, Philadelphia Student Union Director, said such results don’t reflect inner city students and that kids are scapegoated because they don’t make societal decisions.
Double huh?
The capper was the kid’s self-evaluation.
Ninety-three percent were satisfied with their personal ethics and character, and 77 percent said that “when it comes to doing what is right, I am better than most people I know.”
Is it any wonder Obama’s secrecy and inexperience get a pass, that crooked politicians of a certain party get that same pass as do unqualified people like Al Franken and Caroline Kennedy.
Ironically, the Los Angeles Times reports that Kenyan youth can’t emulate Obama because “In Africa, money, ethnicity and family connections still count more toward success than does hard work.”
“Bribes usually trump talent; corruption tops integrity.”
Sounds just like Chicago and New York!