Just who are liberal victims anyway?

By WND Staff

Best-selling author Ann Coulter has been known to disrupt a few establishment types with her books “Godless” “and “Treason,” and now she’s doing it again with “Guilty: Liberal ‘Victims’ and Their Assault on America,” which was the top pick among best-sellers at Shop.WND.com this week.

“Liberals seem to have hit upon a reverse Christ story as their belief system,” Coulter writes in her newest. “He suffered and died for our sins; liberals make the rest of us suffer for sins we didn’t commit.”

“Who are the victims here?” she continues. “To hear liberals tell it, you’d think they do nothing but suffer at the hands of ruthless entities like the ‘Republican Attack Machine’ and Fox News.”

In reality, as Coulter asserts in “Guilty,” liberal claims of “victimization,” while being one of their most cherished and effective tactics, constitute “just another instance of the Big Lie,” told so often that “some people have actually started to believe it.”

To make her case, Coulter cites examples from the “hilariously absurd” to the “shockingly vicious.”

The topics include:

  • Single mothers: “Getting pregnant isn’t like catching the flu. There are volitional acts involved – someone else explain it to Dennis Kucinich. By this purposeful act, single mothers cause irreparable harm to other human beings – their own children – as countless studies on the subject make clear.”
  • The myth of the Republican Attack Machine: “The most amazing thing liberals have done is create the myth of a compliant right-wing media with Republicans badgering baffled reporters into attacking Democrats. It’s so mad, it’s brilliant. It’s one kind of lie to say the Holocaust occurred when the Swedes killed the Jews. But it’s another kind of lie entirely to say the Holocaust occurred when the Jews killed the Nazis.”
  • “Brave” liberals: “In addition to being beautiful, compassionate tribunes of the downtrodden, liberals are brave. I know that because they’re always telling me how brave they are. Why, five nights a week, MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann courageously books guests who completely agree with him. It doesn’t get much braver than that.”

Liberals, she concludes, “viciously attack, all while wailing that they are the true victims.”

The book is arriving just in time, as Matt Drudge explained, to “crash Obama’s inauguration.”

“The book exposes and mocks, in graphic detail, the media’s love affair with all things Democrat and Obama. Coulter presents exhibits A through Z,” he wrote.

In second place is “The Audacity of Deceit” by Brad O’Leary, who offers a glimpse at what likely will happen during the next fours year of Barack Obama’s presidency.

Among other issues, he cites Obama’s desire to turn the U.S. Treasury into the “ATM for the United Nations” and has endorsed a blockage of emergency aid for babies who survive abortion procedures.

“You will be shocked to learn what lies beneath the well-polished rhetoric of this slick orator. Obama speaks vaguely about ‘change,’ but as this book reveals, Obama’s brand of change is a hostile attack on the Judeo-Christian values and freedoms most Americans hold dear,” according to a review.

“This isn’t ‘change you can believe in’ – it is change designed to uproot American culture and replace it with the failed, secular, socialist policies of the past.”

The book documents Obama’s past, which indicates he’ll plan to ban the use of firearms by law-abiding citizens – even for self-defense, and describes how he was raised by a bigamist father in a Muslim society.

Tax rates, the book warns, could approach 60 percent, and farmland may be taken out of production because of high fuel prices.

But Obama also could grant federal medical insurance to 12 million illegal aliens and increase emergency room costs alone by $15.4 billion annually,” the book warns.

A brand new edition of the acclaimed “A Nation Adrift” DVD documentary on the influence of religious faith on the United States is in third.

Jim Woodall, vice president of Concerned Women for America, called it an excellent video “for anyone wanting to know the truth about the rich history and heritage of this nation.

The DVD also has been called the true story of how God’s sovereign hand guided the nation’s Founders.

“A Nation Adrift,” says producer Brian Barkley, “takes you on a journey – from Christopher Columbus to Jamestown, from Valley Forge to the Constitutional Convention, from the Civil War to the Industrial Revolution, from the First World War to the Stock Market Crash, from FDR to the present.”

The journey, he said, “will give a basic grasp of God’s sovereign hand behind the history of our nation, which our Founding Fathers so clearly understood. The result of this journey will give us a better understanding of where America is today, how she arrived here, and where she must turn at this critical hour.”

Don Wildmon, chief of the American Family Association, says the DVD, “Should be viewed by everyone across the nation.”

“‘A Nation Adrift’ is an excellent history lesson concerning the religious roots of America,” writes U.S. Congressman Bill Dannemeyer, “Every person in this country, young and old, should enjoy viewing it.”

The updated DVD edition now includes a stirring tribute to President Ronald Reagan.

Here are the Shop.WND.com top sellers for Dec. Jan. 6-12:

  1. “Guilty: Liberal ‘Victims’ and Their Assault on America” Autographed
    By Ann Coulter

  2. “The Audacity of Deceit” (Book)
    By Brad O’Leary
  3. “A Nation Adrift” (DVD)
  4. “Shocked by the Bible” (Book) – Autographed
    By Joe Kovacs
  5. “The Marketing of Evil: How Radicals, Elitists, and Pseudo-Experts Sell Us Corruption Disguised as Freedom”
    By David Kupelian
  6. “Geneva Bible”
  7. “The Obama Nation” (Book)
    By Jerry Corsi
  8. “The WatchWORD Bible – Complete New Testament” (DVD)
  9. “Hope of the Wicked: Master Plan to Rule the World”
  10. “The Feasts of the Lord” (DVD)

This list does not include WND’s two sister publications – Whistleblower magazine and Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin – always among the best-selling products in Shop.WND.com. If you’re not subscribing to these two great companions to WND, you’re
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