Rumor has it that the new president gets a honeymoon period after assuming office (a phrase that may have particular relevance this time). The honeymoon is generally assumed to begin immediately after Jan. 20, the new president’s inauguration.
George Washington, our first president, traveled for two days by horse and buggy to get to his new job. He dodged the potholes and stayed overnight at a tavern, en-route. He had no security detail.
The modern hoopla surrounding a new president is more an indication of the silliness that has beset the descendants of the American people than anything else. In Washington’s time, there was very little the federal government could do to or for you. Its taxes came from tariffs on imported products, and it was broke from paying for the Revolutionary War.
Consequently, most people in Washington’s time were not much interested in the federal government. It was expected that people would take care of themselves. That was easier if you avoided the common mistakes known to make life more difficult: starting a family without a home or source of income, that kind of stuff. Welfare was the job of families and churches. Both exerted behavioral controls on the recipients to reduce welfare spending.
The income tax amendment took care of the federal government’s obscurity problem. After the introduction of this new “tax on the rich,” there was both something government could do to you and for you. Washington, D.C., grew from the “shining city on a hill” to the welfare capital of the world. The special-interest snowball has been rolling downhill from the Capitol dome over the nation’s taxpayers ever since.
The “get rich” schemes concocted during the Clinton years reached their natural fruition during Bush II, when the various bubbles so carefully inflated in the federal capital finally floated to the financial stratosphere and popped. True to form, the mess spread out over the entire country and settled on taxpayers, not the political media and politicians in Washington, D.C., who were so busy praising their own work. They and their friends, who by now believed they inherited a divine right to unearned income by virtue of their college fraternity, were bailed out of the sinking companies they had floated. The sluice was tossed on the taxpayers.
Guess what? Now we finally understand why the wise men in Philadelphia who wrote the Constitution gave the federal government so little taxing authority. They knew that even a “limited” government wouldn’t stay “limited” for very long if you gave it money. We, of course, knew better, and quickly corrected this oversight. After all, they were just a bunch of dumb farmers, a couple of clergymen and a printer. We’re a nation of government “servants,” third-world importers and advertising hucksters.
All of which brings us back to Barrack Obama. I hope the new president enjoys his wedding night with the presstitutes in Washington, D.C. When he wakes up the next morning, he’s going to find more than the “W” keys on the White House computer keyboards missing or inoperative. The federal piggy bank is empty. The taxpayers are broke. Big banks and big business have been carpet bombed with federal IOUs. And the high priests of the Federal Reserve are once again engaged in that old alchemy scheme of turning lead bars into gold bullion.
Democrats’ seething hatred for America
Wayne Allyn Root