The shot heard round the world. Many are saying we are witnessing nothing short of a cultural revolution.
President Obama has thrown down the gauntlet, challenging Republicans to separate themselves from radio talk show giant Rush Limbaugh. “You can’t just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done,” Obama said Friday, hours after Limbaugh’s three-hour show had ended. Earlier last week Limbaugh, who was named an Honorary Member of the House Republicans Class of ’94,
was interviewed in his studio by Sean Hannity about Obama’s policies. View the two-parts at You Tube.
Buckle up. It’s going to be a long and bumpy ride.
Tracking the (unrepentant) terrorist
WorldNetDaily columnist Melanie Morgan is tracking unrepentant terrorist and former Weather Underground founder William Ayers on college campuses. This Wednesday, she’ll be leading a rally and protest with the Simple Justice, Not Social Justice coalition at St. Mary’s College of Moraga, Calif., where Ayers has been invited to speak.
“I will hound him to the gates of hell,” says the political activist and founder of Move America Forward, America’s largest pro-troop organization.
Smarter than Washington?
Think you can do a better job than the heads of our U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve to save the U.S. economy? Try it with The Bailout Game, which allows you to make all the critical decisions involved. If you run into problems along the way, you can ask Alan Greenspan for advice. Keep the DOW as high as you can and you’re home free.
It’s not an easy task, according to blogger ThirdWaveDave. “When I played the game our economy went into a deep depression. Deep. Now, see if you’re smarter than the geniuses in Washington.”
Thank you, President Bush
An impressive number of Thank You President Bush websites cropped up last week.
Last Tuesday, Karl Rove invited bloggers and Twitterers to send their expressions of thanks to President Bush, which he then delivered personally to the outgoing leader.
Blogger “The Anchoress” discovered and linked this photo essay of President Bush created and narrated by TIME magazine photographers Brooks Kraft and Christopher Morris. The pair reflect on the eight years they spent covering George W. Bush. This heartwarming tribute to our 43rd president features memorable and heartrending photos of Sept 11, 2001, the buildup to the war, and the president’s visits to our wounded soldiers.
Déjà vu
US Airways pilot Capt. Sullenberger follows in some big footprints. Despite what the media is telling us, US Airways Flight 1549 wasn’t the first successful ditching. For passengers aboard the Pan Am Stratoliner, it was déjà vu. Read their first person account here.
Janis Krums writes about the media maelstrom that ensued after his photo of downed US Airways Flight 1549 made worldwide news. Krums’ site also includes helpful tips and links to social and instant messaging websites.
THE countdown!
Countdown until Obama leaves office.
Change and hope
Make Change and Hope personal. You know those Obama HOPE posters designed by Stephen Fairey? Well, now you can have one of yourself. Caption it any way you want. Here’s the link.
Mashed potatoes and Amway to return?
AOL Money and Finance site WalletPop has announced the 25 things projected to make a big comeback in 2009. The current state of the economy plays a big role in the list with Ironing, Mashed Potatoes, Recreational Fishing and Camping and Amway making the list.
Regulators last Friday shut down 1st Centennial Bank in California, the third U.S. bank to fail this year. Can you guess how many banks have failed in the past year? Wallet Pop has a slide show presentation listing all of them. Pass the popcorn.
Who do you trust?
The Ponemon Institute asked 6,500 people – weighted by age, gender and household income to match the U.S. census – to name the five companies they trusted most and least. Which ones dropped off the list and which ones took their place?
Related: Is Google Evil?
Prove it, President Obama!
The Right Side of Life is keeping track of the dozens of lawsuits that have been filed challenging Pres. Obama’s eligibility to hold office. Currently six of the 25 active cases are at the Supreme Court level. The site is updated daily with case status changes as they occur. WorldNetDaily is one of very few media reporting on these challenges to Obama’s birth records.
Kamala continues to conceal her whereabouts on January 6
Jack Cashill