This week, I read news reports about two baby killers.
One was a 20-year-old man in Belgium who rode his bicycle to a day-care center and started slashing children with a large knife, killing two babies along with their nurse and seriously injuring six other children. Belgians have expressed shock and dismay at his actions, as have people around the world. Piet Buyse, the mayor of Dendemonde where the massacre happened, put it this way: “We cannot understand how anyone could attack the most vulnerable, the babies.” The attacker, known as the “Joker” killer because of the makeup he reportedly wore during the killing spree, is in custody. His name is Kim De Gelder.
The other was a 47-year-old American man who used his government job to support international groups that kill large numbers of babies in exchange for money. American and international reaction to this grisly news was mixed. Some in America condemned the action, and one observer in Europe called it “arrogant,” but many actually celebrated the support for these killings. The man responsible is not in custody and has retained his government position, where he is openly promising to provide even more support for those who kill babies in America and abroad. His name is Barack Obama.
Was I surprised by either of these atrocities? Absolutely not. Unfortunately, I expect these types of actions in our present cultural and government situation. However, as I read the news it struck me how amazing the contrast was between reactions to these two acts of murdering innocents. Everyone – yes, even liberals – felt shocked and sickened at the thought of a man butchering innocent, helpless babes as they lay in their cots. This is a natural and universal reaction.
Yet, with his pen Obama is supporting butchering scenes every bit as grisly and obscene, against victims who are just as innocent and lovely until they are brutally torn apart. They bleed, they die, and their broken bodies are shocking, just as those of the day-care victims. How ironic it is to see an Associated Press news writer described the Belgian killings as attacks “against some of society’s most defenseless victims” when the mainstream media have studiously ignored a holocaust against such defenseless victims right under their noses! And while De Gelder succeeded in killing just two babies, Barack’s buddies kill millions. His pals at Planned Parenthood kill around 250,000 children every year in the United States, plus providing more than a million so-called “emergency contraception” kits.
But I also noticed that even pro-life descriptions and responses regarding Obama’s actions, while forceful, did not quite measure up to the expressions of shock and outrage regarding the Belgian murders. After 36 years of routine slaughter carried out with government approval, have we become desensitized? Was your initial instinctive reaction to the news of Obama’s executive order as horrified as your reaction to the day-care massacre? Kim De Gelder was a simple do-it-yourselfer acting in public, while Barack Obama is part of a huge organized network where some people smile for the cameras in beautiful suits and others do the dirty work of tearing children apart behind closed doors.
Yes, I know that at this point shrill abortion supporters will have started objecting to various words I’ve used. But that’s the one and only way of arguing they possess – insisting that some words be used in place of others. It’s nothing but a verbal shell game without a shred of logic or honesty to back it up, and we need to stop playing along. Abortion is murder. Children in the womb are fully human. A fetus is a baby – dictionaries acknowledge this. Whatever you call a woman’s son or daughter, he or she is a human being from conception until death. Words don’t change the facts.
We must shake off any dulling of the senses and bear renewed witness to the terrifying, scandalous, sick nature of these atrocities. But that’s not all. We must make an actual stand and accept no more baby murders at all in our land, just as brave and noble Americans rose up with the determination to establish our nation and to defend liberty and justice multiple times in our history. Otherwise, we do not deserve this land any more than we deserve to share the name of America with those great men and women of previous generations who gave all they had to stop evil and protect the innocent.