Ann Coulter: Bitter spinster

By Letter of the Week

I have become disgusted with the belligerence Ann Coulter has toward single mothers.

Would Ms. Coulter prefer that a woman stay with a man who beats her? A man who is presenting a poor example to the children of what a man should be?

Does she think a woman should just turn her head the other way when her husband cheats on her and brings home a sexually transmitted disease? What kind of example does that give to the children? That it’s OK to cheat on your wife? That is a very dysfunctional marriage, and as a single mother who has been there, with two very successful grown daughters, I take offense at her generalization that all children will turn into juvenile delinquents. My older daughter graduated summa cum laude in three and a half years with a degree in International Business and a minor in Spanish.. She is now a bilingual Spanish teacher and an accomplished pianist who does missions work.

My younger daughter is a recording artist. Both daughters are very active in their churches and they did not turn to drugs, crime or become juvenile delinquents.

I am a returning college student with a GPA of 3.75 with an English/Communications major and a History minor. I plan to go on and pursue my degree as a physician’s assistant. I still have one son at home. Where do we fit in Ms. Coulter’s “stereotypical” view? All of my kids have scored in the top 1-3 percent in the nation all through school.

I think Ms. Coulter’s fame has gone to her head, and the last book I tried to read was full of vapid, hate-filled opinions I could not tolerate. The last and only one I read was “Godless,” which I now believe is a reflection of herself.

She has become a bitter spinster without anyone to love and fills the world with her diatribes. I do NOT want to receive any more of Ms. Coulter’s articles.

I pray that Ms. Coulter has a change of heart and finds love for those who are different and actually not so different from her, because life is too short to be filled with such venom.

Kimberly McElroy DeRee

Letter of the Week

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