Kick these RINOs out of the zoo

By Doug Powers

The “stimulus” was passed by Congress late on a Friday night. They often pass these things on Friday nights so we peasants and serfs can have the weekend to drink it off our minds, and hopefully we’ve forgotten about it come Monday. Not this time.

First, credit where credit is due: No Republicans in the House voted for what’s been dubbed the trillion dollar “Porkulus Package” or the “Generational Theft Act of 2009.”

In the Senate, unfortunately, principled Republicans are a little harder to come by. Senate Democrats reached their 60 votes required for passage thanks to Sens. Collins, Snowe and Specter – who are as “Republican” as Michael Moore is “svelte.” But I’ll get to those three in a minute.

President Obama wasn’t kidding. This is going to be a “transparent” government alright – we’re being robbed, and the crooks aren’t even bothering to use masks. Making things more comical last week was this: While the stimulus debate was ongoing, the people who are mishandling trillions in taxpayer dollars – Congress – were standing in judgment of how corporate CEOs are mishandling billions in taxpayer dollars. It was like watching the captain of the Exxon Valdez yell at his kid for spilling a can on paint on the lawn.

Surreal happenings abound in Washington, D.C., but the bottom line is that the stimulus passed because of three Republicans who probably didn’t have time to even read the bill. It’s not that they’re slow readers – nobody had time to read the bill. We just pawned off future generations based on a bill Congress didn’t read. This is criminal.

The day I’ll consider it completely acceptable for Congress to vote on a bill it didn’t read is the day “I didn’t have time to read all of it” is an acceptable excuse for my incorrect tax returns – the latter of which these days culminates either in a prison sentence, or a post in Obama’s cabinet, depending upon how “plugged in” you are to the political system.

Isn’t it funny how obsessed we are with “100 years from now” when it comes to “climate change” and the nightmarish possibly that the temperature could be 1.3 degrees warmer than it is today, but we don’t lend even a modicum of similar concern to the world our descendants will be living in 100 years from now in a financial and social sense? The inflation rate is 90 percent, the country is ruled by Marxist thugs, the illiteracy rate is through the roof and we’re steamrolling toward becoming a third-world cesspool, but dangit, the temperature in Boca didn’t budge. Good job fellas!

Though there’s a Democrat majority on Capitol Hill that the GOP needs to aggressively but competently oppose in coming elections (stop laughing – give Michael Steele a chance!), the first order of business for Republicans – and by them I mean actual Republicans – should be to oust Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter and Susan Collins – the three who helped muscle this planetoid-sized hunk of pork right up the backsides of current and future generations.

Snowe, Specter and Collins, all of whom possess a zealous belief that it’s possible to get a little bit pregnant, were responsible for the “compromised” version of the stimulus bill – a bill that now has something in common with the U.S. Constitution in that the majority of Congress has yet to read either one. Instead of shooting America in the head, Snow, Specter and Collins convinced the Democrats to shoot it in the chest. What heroes.

Collins is up for re-election in 2014, Snowe in 2012 and Specter in 2010. Even though they’re not in my district, I’m vowing to support true conservatives who challenge any of these RINOs for their seat, starting with Specter, and I hope my fellow fuming Republicans do the same.

Something that could be an assist in getting rid of Snowe, Specter and Collins, is this: Guess who will be blamed when the stimulus is demonstrated to be the massive failure it’s destined to be? Obama and congressional Democrats can say, “It didn’t work because we had to pare the bill down to satisfy those three darn Republicans.” Most Republicans can say, “We didn’t vote for either version.”

If there’s any good news to come from this massive helping of pork that will be clogging our financial, social and political arteries for decades, it’s that the blame for its failure might lie squarely on the shoulders of Specter, Snowe and Collins, and that blame couldn’t be more deserved.


Doug Powers

Doug Powers' columns appear every Monday on WorldNetDaily. He is an author and columnist residing in Michigan. Be sure to check out Doug's blog for daily commentary and responses to select reader e-mail.

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