Our government has spit in our face

By Mychal Massie

What does government think of us? Not much. They’re laughing in our faces – no, I correct myself … they’re spitting in our faces, stealing our present and depriving our children and grandchildren of any reasonable right to the life that we, as children, dreamed of and our Founding Fathers intended.

Do you really think they were thinking of us as they preened and high-fived one another after passing the so-called stimulus bill? Not a chance – they were thinking of themselves and their elite group of benefactors. And if you believe anything else, you have drunk a more poisonous cocktail than Jim Jones and company toasted with, as they committed mass suicide.

They lied, falsified and shoved an $800 billion dollar check on our future with insufficient funds to cover it. This bill isn’t intended to stimulate anything – it is a sham and a charade. To that point, they made certain we didn’t get to read it.

They promised we would have 48 hours to review the bill before taking action on it, but that rule had to be scuttled because Pelosi was leaving at 6 p.m. for an eight-day trip to Europe. She was to meet with Pope Benedict and was to receive an award from an Italian legislative group.

Who’s to argue but that that was a legitimate enough reason for Congress to bum-rush the bill through? Let’s pause for a moment – why on earth would the pope want to meet with Pelosi? What could they possibly talk about, save her falling prostrate at his feet, professing herself to be a complete disgrace and in need of God’s forgiveness?

I submit that her hubris in seeking audience with the Holy Father is simply further evidence of her shameless dishonesty. And if he meets with her without calling for her to confess and repent as one who is lost, I submit it is arguably evidence of his need to re-evaluate exactly whom it is he serves.

Pelosi and Congress rushed through a document they claimed would cure our economic ills by stimulating the economy – a bill they themselves had not read. As Glen Beck pointed out, the final version of said bill was posted at 11 p.m., Feb. 12. Debate for passage began at 9 a.m. on the 13th. The House passed it early afternoon that day. They were supposed to be representing you and me in passing the bill, yet both the House and Senate voted to pass a 1,075-page legislative document that not one of them had read. As Beck noted, it was impossible because, to do so would have taken an average of 12 hours reading at 640 words per minute – a feat with a 10-point degree of difficulty, even for Evelyn Wood.

Even Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., indicated that none of his Senate colleagues would “have the chance” to read the final version in its entirety before voting on same. When CNSNews.com asked members of both parties if they had read the full final version, not one member could say yes. Yet, vote they did, and now we are saddled with it.

Obama promised we would have five days to view any bill that landed on his desk before signing it. But this promise was abandoned because this was an emergency and he couldn’t wait five days – so much for his vaunted promise of transparency. How many other emergencies can we expect him to abandon his promises for? What makes him better than President Bush, whom he repeatedly attacked for lying to the people and for not involving us in his decisions?

Chuck Schumer, whose picture belongs in the dictionary as the definition of oleaginous, arrogantly told Republican dissenters of the bill, “You lost – the American people [i.e., you and I] really don’t care about little tiny, yes, porky amendments that the clattering classes” have exposed. Obama chimed in, saying, you and I “don’t need to be convinced” as to the importance of this bill.

The White House and Congress are nothing short of a pissoir, and that which flows freely from same is being thrown in our faces by them. They don’t worry because the people, in sufficient enough numbers, have been socially engineered to accept and defend our being their diaper pails.

However, for those who are as repulsed by said treatment as I am, I say it is time to unite and bring down the walls of entitlement and Epicureanism of this modern-day Sodom called government. It is time for us to channel our outrage in constructive ways to deconstruct a government that has long ceased to represent our best interests.

As long as both parties are able to act in ways that are counter-productive to the principles we were founded upon, they will continue to do so. It is time for us to stop braying and baaing about the arrogant disregard Congress exhibits toward us, and replace it down to its foundations.

With that said, I’m sure these true enemies of America aren’t sweating too much – because after all, not only have we suffered their insults, their criminal behavior, their writing/passing laws that exclude themselves from the laws we must abide by – but we keep replacing them with those that fit perfectly into their matrix of estrangement from us and our interests.


Mychal Massie

Mychal Massie is founder and chairman of the Racial Policy Center (http://racialpolicycenter.org), a conservative think tank that advocates for a colorblind society. He was recognized as the 2008 Conservative Man of the Year by the Conservative Party of Suffolk County, New York. He is a nationally recognized political activist, pundit and columnist. Massie has appeared on cable news and talk-radio programming worldwide. He is also the founder and publisher of The Daily Rant: mychal-massie.com. His latest book is "I Feel the Presence of the Lord." Read more of Mychal Massie's articles here.