Once again, President Obama fascinated and enthralled the American public with his rhetorical command of the English language. And, in fact, no American could be less than proud.
He embodies the point that Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal made in his response to the president: In America, anything is possible. An African-American can become president. And a first-generation American, whose parents are from India, can become governor of a southern state like Louisiana.
But as I have pointed out repeatedly in “The Audacity of Deceit,” Obama’s use of rhetoric does not hide the fact that it is deceitful in a number of ways. There were two important deceptions in Obama’s speech last night.
First, he hid the fact that he has brought back the welfare system that Bill Clinton and congressional Republicans reformed. He announced that 32 percent of Americans who are not obligated to pay federal income tax, because many of them are on welfare, will actually receive money from the government – something he rhetorically calls a tax cut for 95 percent of Americans.
Second, he told Americans his team had found $2 trillion in wasted money that could be cut, and he said there were no earmarks in his budget to be presented to Congress this week. In fact, his budget is at least 8 percent higher than what’s needed – so his team actually found nothing to cut, only items to increase spending.
For those lawmakers who can’t read or count, that’s $30 billion in new money. In addition, there are 9,000 earmarks, which are morally unethical ways of spending another $8 billion in taxpayer funds for projects that were not vetted by Congress.
Already this morning the market is down more than 100 points. Clearly, investors can see through Obama’s rhetoric, and they don’t like the numbers they are hearing.
For those who have criticized “The Audacity of Deceit” for calling Obama’s rhetoric deceitful, judge for yourself whether these figures reveal the deception hidden in his beautiful rhetoric.