From Lenin to Mao to Castro to Obama

By Craige McMillan

The left’s fantasy-world – erected, landscaped, watered and tended with trillions of your tax dollars – is finally unraveling. The tax dollars are just a convenient representation of the blood, sweat and tears of – to quote a previous leftist political buffoon – “those who work hard and play by the rules.”

Yeah, you “looked after them” all right! Like a drug-addicted teenager who keeps coming home because mom and dad are good for one more fix. Until mom and dad are broke, too. That’s how the left looks after “those who work hard and play by the rules.” Take everything they’ve got; give it to the politically deserving. From Lenin to Mao to Castro to Obama, the leftist bible of redistributionist politics never changes. Only the faces and dreams of the left’s victims change.

Those tax dollars represent far more than the number attached to them in the media. They represent broken dreams, small businesses never started, employees never hired, medical cures never researched, and the secret hopes and dreams of the world’s tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free. All carried away by the taxman, dressed in a Barney Frank, Chuck Schumer or Nancy Pelosi Halloween costume.

Everywhere, the left’s mantra is always the same. “We know better than you, Herr Comrade, how to spend your money. Now give it to us, so that we may lavish it upon the thriftless, dependent, non-achievers and those yearning for a free ride. We intend to make a great army out of them.”

How refreshing to know there’s at least one promise the Democrats have kept.

The leftist fairy tale requires a constant stream of middle-class tax victims, because to paraphrase Willie Sutton, that’s where the money is. Unfortunately, government politics since LBJ’s “War on Poverty” have favored the rich and the poor, leaving only the middle class to foot the bill.

The outsourcing of manufacturing destroyed opportunity for the poor. Manufacturing’s demise was followed by intellectual-property outsourcing of the services, such as computer programming, that were to replace manufacturing.

What remained were huge profits for the firms doing the outsourcing and fat bonus checks for the executives that made the decisions. Now we see that trend continue in the world of finance – even when the bonus checks must come from government-mandated, taxpayer bailouts. “So, Mr. and Mrs. Middle Class America, go borrow the money and give it to us!” Because that’s exactly what we’re doing with government bailouts. Congress has your credit card, and they’re on a spending spree!

Take a good, long look at the rotting under-structure of the left’s politically correct fantasy world. Did you really think that when the timbers collapsed, you would escape the fallout?

Don’t teach little Johnny competitiveness! Why, the losers might feel bad! Heaven forbid that should make them try harder next time.

Little Johnny doesn’t need to learn proper English to graduate. The rest of us can figure out what he means. Make sure he graduates, anyway. Just send him to the next grade every year.

“Press one for English.” Yeah, right. Let’s duplicate the bureaucracy about 15 times at the federal, state and local levels to accommodate the world’s undocumented illegal immigrants who’ve bought a stolen identity card and moved to America. More bureaucracy should increase employment. Guess who gets to pay more taxes to pay for more foreign-speaking bureaucrats? Here’s a hint: It ain’t the people they’re “serving.”

And let’s loan them money to buy homes, too. Last year about this time banks were bragging about giving mortgages to illegals. Guess it made them feel generous and inclusive. But then, it’s always easier to feel generous and inclusive when somebody else is paying the bill. And besides, bankers get bonuses, even if their institutions go bankrupt and the government has to pay the bonuses.

I hope you enjoy watching the left’s politically correct fantasy world unravel. It’s about the only entertainment you’re going to get for your trillions.


Craige McMillan

Craige McMillan is a longtime commentator for WND. Read more of Craige McMillan's articles here.