The ABA’s war on marriage

By WND Staff

Liberals wail incessantly about the plight of single mothers and their children. Conservatives bemoan the mysterious demise of marriage. Most everyone improperly blames men for being strangely out of the picture, but accusatory fingers are often waggled at single mothers, too.

Pork stampedes out of Washington stimulating more bad life decisions by women, resulting in growing marriage-absence. More single mothers end up in desperate straits, more men end up in jail, and more children end up abused, neglected and unprepared for adult life. Return to “Go” and start over.

The cyclical blame-entitlement game in Washington is bizarre – tantamount to blaming Smokey for forest fires without figuring out who is lighting them.

Marriage-absence is the greatest social and economic problem we face. A sustainable economic recovery and retirement of federal debt within our generation depends decisively on improving marriage rates and lowering illegitimacy rates.

Here are three simple questions pointing to who is destroying marriage:

  1. Who has told us for 45 years that marriage is bad and that women should be liberated from it? Answer: Marcusian Genderists.
  2. Who conceptualizes the boilerplate for laws, drafts them and sends them to Congress and states for passage? Answer: The American Bar Association and the State Bar Associations.
  3. What is the only trade union in America with sole right to discipline its members? Answer: The American Bar Association and the State Bar Associations.

Genderists commandeered family law years ago by cubby-holing it as a subset of “women’s jurisprudence.” (Genderists operate under the guise of equality, but execute Marcusian gender warfare and Freudian victimhood.) Many books have documented this nexus, such as “Taken Into Custody,” by Dr. Stephen Baskerville.

The blunt object within the ABA decimating marriage is the Commission on Domestic Violence, or CODV. The CODV establishes national legal thinking, propounds legislation and sets the standards of practice for lawyers. Its work is seminal: Violence against women evokes reflexive responses easily manipulated by genderists toward fait-accompli ends.

The CODV has come under tremendous academic criticism for practicing radical genderism instead of law. Below, you will see that the activist function of the CODV is to ensure that every relationship dissatisfaction results in another troubled single mother depending on politicians to care for her, and another man hated regardless of case fact.

At the behest of ABA genderists, the Violence Against Women Act was enacted in 1996. At least $1 billion is given to genderists annually (not including another $300 million slammed into the Democrats’ “economic stimulus” bill), little of which is accounted for as required by the Government Accounting Office.

VAWA has not resulted in decreased domestic violence. Genderists spend much of this money employing each other, generating volumes of unscientific agitprop and using psychosexual politics to demolish evidentiary and judicial standards practiced in every other area of law.

Hundreds of entitled state organizations and thousands of gender activists in media and law promulgate ABA documents as scientific and legal fact worldwide. This has evolved into a Frankenstein machine scaring the daylights out of women and entitling radicals to expand butchery of marriage.

The utter absence of ethics and corruption of law and jurisprudence by the CODV is horrifying.

The ABA Standards of Practice For Lawyers Representing Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking” is a gross violation of ethics and the Constitution. It consistently pre-declares the victim as “her,” despite the fact that women are the initiators of half of domestic violence.

The CODV’s “Ten Myths about Custody and Domestic Violence and How To Counter Them” is scientifically false, yet are cited on thousands of government, legal, genderist and academic documents. A thorough scientific review by Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting (RADAR) found the Ten Myths “unworthy to be used as a foundation for legal practice or public policy.”

A newly-released peer-reviewed scientific report about the Ten Myths published in the Journal of Aggression found that “almost without exception, the resource materials offered to dispel these myths are flawed, biased, outdated and/or inconclusive research studies” … that “leads to the “mis-education of practitioners, specifically, the legal profession and custody assessors.”

The CODV is fatally cross-linked with specious influential organizations such as the “Battered Mothers Custody Conference” (BMCC).

Joan Zorza, a member of the CODV, was involved with the 2006 BMCC conference as a “writer, family law attorney, co-author of VAWA; leader in the struggle to protect battered women for over 30 years.” Zorza has been a key player in the BMCC for years.

The BMCC was behind a 2005 PBS “documentary” about domestic violence titled “Breaking the Silence: Children’s Stories.” The Corporation for Public Broadcasting ombudsman “found the program to be so totally unbalanced as to fall outside the boundaries of PBS editorial standards on fairness and balance.” It was quietly suppressed by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

The BMCC launched a Newsweek story about Genia Shockome, who ultimately lost custody for repeatedly making absolutely false allegations of spousal and child abuse in a divorce proceeding. The BMCC insisted that Shockome was somehow a battered wife, and made her a centerpiece of their conference.

An investigation of the ABA CODV membership reveals a full-mesh interlinkage with radical ideologues immitigable by mere application of lip-gloss.

In the “Tyranny of Tolerance,” presiding Judge Robert H. Dierker wrote, “For every ill perceived by the gender and justice commissions, they demanded special ‘training’ of judges and lawyers. Such training was a thinly veiled effort to reeducate judges and lawyers to toe the femifascist line in every case, but especially in domestic violence, sexual assault and similar cases.”

“Violence Against Women” is the visceral mother-of-all bombs genderists use to destroy marriage. It has worked so well in America that the ABA wants to enact an international VAWA (one of Joe Biden’s pet projects). This legislation plans to directly entitle U.N. lawyers to destroy marriage internationally using your tax dollars. Speaking of which, recently U.N representative Arie Hoekman denounced the idea that high rates of divorce and out-of-wedlock births represent a social crisis, claiming that they represent instead the triumph of “human rights” against “patriarchy.”

The American Bar Association must promptly restructure the CODV to guarantee ideological impartiality of its members. A new science section within the CODV, consisting of peer-reviewed social scientists, must have power to review and reject all statements, laws and policies proposed by CODV attorneys.

When the ABA propounds clear and understandable policies in-step with peer-reviewed science, marriage might just have a chance. You can send a polite e-mail expressing your opinion to Thomas Wells, president of the ABA, at [email protected].