What does leadership look like?
Barack Obama.
Because he’s more inclusive, he’s compassionate, he listens.
The women who said that last week are clearly in Obama’s thrall. For them, there’s no reason and no reality when it comes to the man who is president. He can do no wrong and is above any and all criticism.
To them, B.O. is perfect.
This man who is president has spread the fairy dust (uh-oh – there’s a joke in there somewhere!) of his campaign across Congress and his administration. It contaminates everything as it spreads across the country.
This Obama spell is everywhere – seeping into the very fabric of the country.
If you weren’t politically savvy, you might say Obama is “magical” in his ability to blind followers to the truth of what he’s doing to us and to the U.S.
Uh-oh, I can see another joke coming; is it “white magic” or “black magic.” Never mind!
As Obama walked to the podium on Inauguration Day, I saw a man who was calculatedly watching people watching him, and he performed for them. He still does.
Obama plays a role in his new incarnation as president. He’s no longer a kid from nowhere and somewhere. Obama is no longer a student who made his way across the country and up the ivory tower to the rarified air of Harvard and Columbia, the home of the “chosen.” He likes it and acts it and tries to live it – a “chosen.”
Even as those around him enabled his political and organizing career in Chicago, he still played the role. Was he the “cool pol,” the “intellectual college instructor,” a “homey” who knew the language of the streets or the “fixer” who knew the right people with the right power to get things done?
Who was he? Who is he? We don’t know.
He went from nobody to somebody, and now he’s president. He’s been taught how to dress, how to groom himself, how to walk, sit and pose. He is practiced in the performance skills of politics and knows full well the sleight-of-hand it all involves.
To paraphrase – once you learn to fake it, you’ve got it made.
He does and so far, he’s got it made.
So far.
That “fairy dust” he’s cast over this country, which blinds so many to the reality of the far left, socialist/Marxist agenda he’s foisting on us, is beginning to wear thin. There hasn’t been any great eruption. But here and there, anger is growing and real dissent is in the air.
I see it when strangers on the street who know I do talk radio come up to me and launch into a tirade of frustrated questioning about what’s coming out of Washington.
They hate spending bills involving total numbers of dollars in quantities beyond anything the average person can even imagine.
They hate programs bailing out companies that deserved to go belly-up on their own.
People are as furious at that as they are at people who are deadbeats, stupid or greedy (or all three) yet, get bailed out by government using tax money paid by hard-working, honest, smart people who know how to live within a budget. And have.
Americans are astonished that irresponsibility is rewarded, and good citizens are penalized and forced to pay for it – forever, and then their children and grandchildren will pay even more.
That is, if the country survives.
And it may not.
The rot of the financial disaster is exceeded only by the intrinsic rot of the programs Barack Hussein Obama, the man who is president, foists upon us with congressional acquiescence and encouragement.
Obama’s speech to Congress was another of those occasions when he watched people watching him and relished every minute. During the applause, his facial expression and the nodding of his head reflect him evaluating those people, not only for their attention and adulation, but for the willingness he saw in them to agree to his every proposal. He saw that they will give him what he wants.
And what he wants is everything.
Yes, master. Whatever you want. We’ll do your bidding.
Nancy Pelosi, a pol to her Baltimore-San Francisco Democrat core, leapt up to clap so many times you’d think she was on springs. Her face almost broke from her orgasmic smile – so happy was she that every Democrat pet dream was about to come true.
B.H.O. – the messiah.
Maybe not.
Despite the litany of cures he prescribes for this country: better schools, better health care for everyone, energy independence via clean energy, jobs saved, jobs created, thriving businesses, a solid economy, a smaller, more peaceful military and an honored place in the eyes of the world. He even vows a cure for cancer in our lifetime – just as Richard Nixon did – remember the “war on cancer”? Despite all that, the man who is president ignored critical issues and fudged on others.
No pork in those money bills? Nonsense! They’re packed with earmarks. He simply lied, depending on fairy dust to protect him.
But thinking Americans noticed. They also noticed important issues he ignored: the threat of terrorism by militant Islam, his ordering more troops to Afghanistan, illegal aliens, immigration issues, protecting our borders, Mexican drug wars, increasing domestic crime, the need to drill domestically for oil to assure energy independence, nuclear power plants.
There are others; all are critical.
But Obama ignores them while telling Americans what he thinks they want to hear and sugar-coating everything with financing schemes doomed to destroy our economy along with people’s lives and futures.
In his political ivory tower he cannot see that by taking American independence and love of freedom for granted, he’s sowing the seeds of a revolution against him and his politics.
Someone, somewhere, told him he was untouchable.
That someone was wrong.
This might be the dumbest anti-hate campaign ever
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