Consistent with his past radical associations, President Barack Hussein Obama has proven one thing since he took office: He is a socialist. When confronting a socialist, it is important to understand what makes him tick, and to answer two questions: What is the basis of socialism; and how is socialism spread? The answers are easy: Socialism is based on hatred, and it is spread by inciting hatred in others. This hatred is for capitalism, and it is manifested in the form of class warfare.
The United States is a unique and glorious country for many reasons. One of its most significant attributes is the lack of any official class system. There are no kings, queens, or anyone who has special rights, or a lack of rights, based solely on their birth. Rather, under the U.S. Constitution, all citizens are seen as individuals, not part of a class.
Because there are no official classes, the Constitution guarantees equality of opportunity to every citizen using the fairest system possible: the free market.
In a free market, the government has no control over your destiny. It neither helps nor hinders someone from succeeding. The individual is independent and makes the choice to do, or not to do, whatever they want to with their lives. Those who choose to contribute a good or service that society values are rewarded. Thus, the acquisition of wealth and property are based on merit, not class. If you contribute to society, you succeed. If you don’t, you won’t.
This is the purest definition of freedom. It is the basis of the American Dream.
In stark contrast, a socialist sees the world as a clash between classes – there is no individual. The two classes in the socialist vision, as defined by Karl Marx in the “Communist Manifesto,” are the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The bourgeoisie is comprised of the capitalist, property owner, or any employer. Essentially, this is someone who has succeeded in a free-market economy. Socialists, including Obama, call these people the “rich.”
The proletariat is anyone who does not fit the definition of “rich.” It includes the wage laborer, or employee, along with the “refuse social scum,” as Karl Marx called them – those who choose not to work or who are underemployed. Socialists, including Obama, call these people the “poor.”
In a uniquely American adaptation of socialism, there are additions to the “rich” and “poor” classifications that have nothing to do with economic status. The “rich” class also includes a socialist stereotype of who is rich. In other words, “rich” also means any heterosexual, white male. Correspondingly, the “poor” class also includes any sub-classification of people who can be distinguished from the “rich” stereotype, such as blacks, women, gays and lesbians, and any other perceived minority.
In the socialist mind, people are in the “poor” class for only one reason: They are oppressed by the “rich.” Thus, there is no correlation between achievement and success to a socialist; rather, the “rich” are successful only because they were lucky enough to be born into that class. Instead, they teach every poor person that no matter how hard they work or try, they cannot succeed.
This viewpoint creates two horrible consequences. First, it fosters a strong resentment in the poor against the rich. Second, it is an abdication of responsibility. It gives the poor person an excuse to fail, an excuse not to try and an excuse to make bad choices in life.
Socialists give the poor only one means of advancing in life: to take the property of the rich. The only “hope” for “change” that the poor have under the socialist philosophy is outright theft.
Conveniently, the socialist politician provides a way for the poor to take the property of the rich: redistribution of the wealth. As such, socialist politicians promise that if they are elected, they will give the poor people free things at the expense of the rich through social programs. How? Through taxes: the essence of wealth redistribution.
So, the next time you hear Obama use the terms the “rich” or the “poor,” understand that he is talking about classes in the socialist context. Understand that he wants to incite hatred in the poor against the rich. Understand that he wants to use that hate to seize the property from the rich. Understand most of all that Obama hates capitalism, the basic principle upon which the United States was founded.
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Tucker Carlson