National irrationality is reaching some kind of pitch more fevered than Michael Jackson without access to a plastic surgeon. Besides the $900 million the Obama administration has committed to give to Hamas, the recent firing of the Bushehr (pronounced Bush Error) reactor in Iran tells us that the nuclear Islamist jihad is a short time away. American readiness? There is none.
But the Hamas stimulus and Bushehr, seen together, should give Americans and a distracted world a screeching alarm – they may be the last yellow and black warning bars observed by us crash dummies before impact.
Nine hundred million dollars for the “Palestinian Authority” is actually a very nice tip that Iran will have sufficient cash on hand to finish its nuclear terrorism program quickly. Maybe they could hire U.S. subcontractors to maximize stimulus and optimize quality control? And if anyone doubts that Iran and Hamas are essentially fused at the nuclei, a few minutes meditation on the phrase “follow the money” should help. Admittedly, it’s hard to say how many reward dollars per suicide bombing Obama’s Hamas funding adds up to, but ACORN undoubtedly has employees for that.
Russia, supplying meaningless assurances that the fuel cycle in Iran’s reactor will be completely controlled, absolves itself of responsibility for giving a heavy neutron flux to a nation that possesses a “school” for suicide bombers. It is a theatrical ignorance to suppose that allegedly controlling fuel placed in, and then removed from, the Bushehr reactor accomplishes security. This is because dull, ore grade stuff exposed to the heavy neutron flux in a reactor can be easily turned into useful fissile material. In other words, a working nuclear reactor is a one-trick alchemy, a limitless supply of bombs.
But America is not physically defended from this threat, nor much planning to be. While the world at large agrees that a smuggled nuclear weapon is the No. 1 existential threat to America, Israel and the West, no one is doing anything about a comprehensive physical defense against this problem. Yes, there is non-proliferation, border checking, a few cargo container measurements. But America has hardly allowed mere psychological defense against other real threats – a missile attack, for example. There, the safety of New York City was not left to the edifice of holding non-proliferation talks. Instead, from Reagan to G.W. Bush, we have worked even harder to shoot down ballistic missiles than broadcast TV did to take out Sarah Palin. You can do anything if your life depends on it.
Back in the real world, America faces a flood of smuggled nuclear weapons in the next couple of years. It is folly to hope that border checks and U.N. “safeguards” are going to do anything at all to keep us from this nuclear attack, as they still haven’t controlled Tijuana Rolex knockoffs. We must put as much defense, in this generation, into detecting and physically stopping smuggled nukes as the previous generation put into missile defense.
Missile defense was derided, right up into today, as impossible, hopeless, scientifically foolish, more improbable than Michael Jackson’s chin. But the over riding vulnerability of America, and the overwhelming creativity of her industry, continued to drive toward that “impossible” goal. Today missile defense is a fielded system that has again and again been successful in shooting all kinds of things out of the sky. We owe the debt of success to God, Reagan and the Bush twins. But these are with a sober acknowledgement due to a more blunt, a more manic devotion: survival.
The point is that it is dullard to sit immobile on the train tracks and do nothing about the big blaring threat to your existence. There are real and tangible technologies that hold promise for finding, tracking and identifying smuggled nuclear weapons comprehensively amidst urban populations. The USA is spending tens of times more money on “youth programs” and elective abortions than it is on smuggled-nuke defense. What is the point, one wonders, to repeatedly announce that smuggled nuclear weapons in the hands of terrorists are the No. 1 threat to our lives if this is followed up by utterly ignoring this as a budget priority?
It is time to decide with our money and with our manpower that all our defense shall be exercised in proportion to the threat. Today, the Islamist nuclear suicide bomber is analytically hopeful that he can murder a hundred million Americans, and we the targeted are not yet building any kind of comprehensive physical defense to stop it.
I prefer this idea of complete non-proliferation: find the bomb and wipe it out.
How about you?
Network ‘news judgment’ depends on who benefits
Tim Graham