The motto of unions should be, if you cannot win fairly – buy politicians, buy a president and have them lie for you while you complain how bad you have it. In other words, lie, cheat and bribe to get what you want. That is precisely what the “Employee Free Choice Act” is.
Card Check, as the proposed bill is also called, would change how unions are allowed to organize workers in the U.S. It purposes to eliminate the private ballot. And if you are wondering what that means and why same is important, imagine not being able to cast your vote for the candidate of your choice in private.
Union membership, like the buggy whip, has become a diminished need. Card Check is nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to rebuild union ranks. The bill’s support by politicians and President Obama is nothing more than a transpicuous payback for the support of the unions.
Why would anyone want to give up their right to a private ballot, and even more deserving of an answer – why would anyone surrender said right due to government fiat? Can you imagine if Karl Rove or then-President George W. Bush had done something so similarly Machiavellian?
Union thuggery is an epidemic that has plagued attempts by those who dared resist their organizing since the inception of unions. It can also be argued that unions have been corrupt since shortly after their inception. That is why they and politicians, vis-à-vis their mutual political aspirations, have been wed together in an unholy alliance. There is a reason why Jimmy Hoffa still registers in the annals of political/union corruption, just as there is a reason so many dead people voted in the John Kennedy election. Are we now to believe that, all of a sudden, unions have become bastions of civility and genteelism?
Union thuggery is on display during every general election – whether it be by destruction of opposition signs and property, or by coercion. In Philadelphia and Michigan, intimidation of voters and destruction of the Republican candidates’ signs were commonplace in the last three general elections. Te colleagues I worked with in Missouri and I were bullied and harassed by organized groups of roving union members because they had been told by their leadership that anti-race/gender legislation would somehow threaten them.
Now unions, complicit with the aid of Congress and Obama, want us to believe Card Check is simply an innocuous measure designed to speed up the voting process. The politicians pontificate, the unions sully, and Obama runs to his teleprompter to convince us hell will freeze over if this measure isn’t passed. I say, let it – maybe that will save us from the global warming cabal, but I digress.
For a union to be organized, it needs only win a simple majority. With their record of intimidation, imagine the brutal tactics employed against the person who happens to cast the deciding vote pursuant to the organizing of same.
Imagine if the person casting that vote casts it in opposition, causing the union effort to fail. Card Check will also allow government regulators to make final decisions should an agreement take longer than 120 days. The government would also have the right to punish private businesses, but not punish the unions.
This is about money and votes, and it is a lie from the pit of hell to suggest otherwise. Consider what Wal-Mart, a company with 1 million employees, means to unions. Wal-Mart has been able to make profits for their stockholders and those with their retirement portfolios invested in their company. If the union is able to force itself upon that company, shareholders would suffer, hiring would decrease, and Wal-Mart would no longer be able to offer the lowest prices. We would see threatened strikes, actual strikes and a company built on service, choice and low prices become nothing more than a cash cow for the union and its political cronies.
And let us not forget the old adage, “Who’s watching the fox that’s watching your chickens?” The fact that Card Check has political support shows just how much union graft has benefited politicians. The current state of the American auto industry is a perfect example of why we should insist that Congress and Obama oppose Card Check.
But they won’t, because they can’t. They fear losing the money unions exact from their membership. When I consider the treacherous way Congress and Obama are dealing with our country, it almost makes Judas Iscariot look like a patriot.