The question in every liberal judge’s heart: Does our new president have the constitutional qualifications to seek the presidency of the United States of America, let alone occupy the Oval Office?
And the answer is: NO!
No? Oh no. How do I know? Because He told me so.
No, he didn’t call me up and say, “Hey, Bro, I just put one over on those typical white persons – and now that they all know about the murder, they are even helping me hide the body.”
No. He didn’t phone me directly, not exactly. My name doesn’t appear on his teleprompter. He doesn’t know my name, my face, or my existence – or care to know. Maybe that’s good. No doubt my name is appearing on more government lists and lines these days, and maybe those lines will one day intersect to form crosshairs on some of my very needful body parts, but just now I don’t exist to the big boys.
So then, not being sufficiently guilty enough of tax evasion or subversive activity to be on the White House party list, how then did he communicate the dark secret of his ineligibility to me? Easy – by hiding the truth, by employing half the personal injury lawyers in the U.S. to hide his past. As my old Pappy used to say: “A man found trying to kick dirt over a dead mule usually has a dead mule.” And so, they scurry like mad to head off the truth-seekers, trying to keep the horde of bubonic rats from escaping the burning building. So far they have been successful in hiding, blocking, sealing any and all records of Mr. – uh, Barry, er – Hussein, Barack … we don’t’ even know the man’s name.
And don’t say we weren’t warned. The issue of eligibility reared its ugly head time and again, prior to nomination, prior to election, and we, fools, didn’t want to know. And how foolish it is to vote for a man about whom only tiny bits are public record, and those bits are more than enough to get an honest man put in jail. Yes, any time the issue is brought up some high-salaried, low-ethics lawyer gets a pay raise – and yet we voted for the man.
So, if there is something that needs hiding that drastically, then it must really be juicy. If his record would stand up to scrutiny, it would be posted for scrutiny. It is not. Mystery solved.
With that one put tidily to bed, let’s turn to another.
Even if some snake oil salesman should covet our wallets, aren’t we, the ignorant voters, supposed to be protected from such high level fraud, the greatest fraud that could be perpetrated against our country? What about checks and balances? What about the House and Senate, the Supreme Court? And what about the circling-shark watchdog media? Wouldn’t they aggregately be concerned about some non-American hijacking the ownership of our country’s highest office?
Well, as we have come to know only too well, the watchdogs of the mainstream press only watch the conservatives for any spec of soil into which they can plant a full-blown corn crop liberally fertilized with barnyard fertilizer.
Then there is the legislative branch, those nobles in those august houses duly elected by us, for us, liberally paid and coddled by us, to represent and watch out for – us. And how they do watch out. But what they watch out for – only – is their built-in pay raises, the way the wax job on their limos reflect the gas lights, the rise in their secret Swiss bank accounts, their lucrative retirement plans that are so non-Social Security – and they carefully watch out that none of the myriad laws they pass will ever, as long as the world stands, apply to them.
And those impartial, stoic and stately Supreme Court justices. Stately? Yes, like some stately four-masted square-rigger that seems to catch whatever liberal wind that blows.
Nothing new. The world keeps going around: news media slant; politicians lie: judges judge (whether to either take a difficult case or take a lunch break).
So … it gets to be up to us. When those who are paid like drug lords to watch out for us watch out only for themselves, then it becomes up to us. We must get up and act. We must personally throw the bums out. If we have the resolve.
What politics in America has become is what politics eventually, always becomes. That doesn’t bother me so much. What bothers me more is what we, the people, have become.
We have grown into a people I don’t recognize. We have surrendered our badge of courage without a fight. We have taken off our cloak of integrity without the bat of an eyelash. We have jettisoned our honor without a tear. We have welcomed ignorance and sloth because to study is to know, and to know is to be required to act. We have grown so non-analytical and accepting that we are taken in by any two-bit huckster with a smooth tongue. And worse, sometimes when we well know it is a lie, we have become so self-absorbed and greed-driven and have lost our personal integrity sufficiently that we vote for it anyway.
I guess, in final analysis, it doesn’t even matter if we have a constitutionally qualified president. We are too lazy to care.
WATCH: Tucker talks with only FTX executive who wasn’t a partisan Democrat
Tucker Carlson