Missouri police state: Beware of people like … me

By Ilana Mercer

A secret Missouri State police report, entitled “The Modern Militia Movement” and dated Feb. 20, 2009, is warning about subversives like … me. Apparently, this scribe has all the attributes of a militia member, and then some.

One of the incriminating telltale signs the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) is on the lookout for are Ron Paul stickers.

I have one on my car. It reads: “Don’t blame me, I supported Ron Paul.”

The MIAC has cultivated an ensnaring network of snitches and spies, “consisting of local, state and federal agencies, as well as the public sector and private entities.” Its malign manifesto alerts to other “paraphernalia” associated with the patriot movement: Flags.

Guilty again.

A magisterial “Don’t Tread On Me” image snakes across the front page of my website, where my seditious work is stored. The Gadsden-flag critter – “that funky snake,” my website developer calls it – appears on every other page too.

He shocked the establishment in 2008 – now read Ron Paul’s clear-thinking manifesto on constitutional government: “The Revolution”

This early American symbol represents some of the values I cherish and champion. The Stars and Stripes stands in stark contrast to the “modest motto” the rattler embodies. Beloved of Republicans, especially, the American flag has ceased to symbolize the ideals of individual and national sovereignty, but stands, rather, for arrogance and imperialism, at home and abroad.

For those unfamiliar with that “modest motto” the indigenous rattlesnake represents, here’s what a patriot (possibly Benjamin Franklin) had to say in 1775. The rattlesnake:

[N]ever begins an attack, nor, when once engaged, ever surrenders: She is therefore an emblem of magnanimity and true courage. … she never wounds till she has generously given notice, even to her enemy, and cautioned him against the danger of treading on her.

What else should you be vigilant about when ferreting out people like me? The accursed MIAC white paper mentions Aaron Russo’s film “America: Freedom to Fascism.”

Check, that’s me.

“Aaron Russo: A choice not an echo” doesn’t leave much to the Missouri Secret Police’s twisted imagination. Yes, I wrote glowingly about the man who, in 2004, vied to become the Libertarian Party’s presidential candidate. Aaron Russo of blessed memory was a warm, captivating and larger than life personality (who also spoke highly of my book).

Yet another giveaway, cautions the MIAC, is an opposition to “confiscatory taxation.” In my book, the 16th Amendment is “The Number Of The Beast.”

Dare to inveigh against the malignant and metastasizing Federal Frankenstein, or about states’ and individual rights, and you’re militia material.

Again; that’s my motto, week-in and week-out on WND.com. If the Constitution and the natural law mean anything at all, then, almost everything the federal government busies itself with is either unconstitutional, immoral, violative, or all three. I say that a lot. And I leave a pixelated trail behind.

PrisonPlanet.com reports that the “Missouri Department of Public Safety” has been forced “to issue an apology to presidential candidates Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin and Bob Barr.”

About lesser patriots, the Stasi Police is unapologetic. Libertarians, people who own gold, people who fly unfamiliar flags, “display paraphernalia associated with the Constitutional, Campaign for Liberty, and Libertarian parties” – we remain on the watch list, deemed as bad as radical race-hate groups, although not quite as potentially pernicious as Muslim terrorists.

After all, Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon has his priorities. Nixon, who defended “The Modern Militia Movement” report, will not be bothering potential Islamikazes or Latino narco-terrorists. Besides, in the unlikely event that Missourians with loyalties to Allah and al-Qaida come to his attention, they already have their defenders. The American Civil Liberties Union has been quick to protest the report on behalf of “Muslim civil rights organizations [CAIR?] and anti-war protest groups.”

Republicans, incidentally, are yet another identifiable group that does not much concern the police state of Missouri. Good call. Republicans, for the most, pose no threat to the political status quo, in Missouri or beyond, as they seldom oppose The Party or the political apparatus in any fundamental way. Unless you call the “Liberals This; Liberals That” formulaic fulminations a meaningful threat to the existing, statist state of affairs. The Missouri watchdogs rightly don’t.

Here on WND.com, I’m in good company. Representing the constitutionalist patriots are the indefatigable Joseph Farah, Pat Buchanan, Jerome Corsi and Judge Roy Moore. Defending the libertarian tradition are Walter Williams and my young, gifted colleagues, Vox Day and Dave Hanson. (No slick, beltway libertarians here.)

The Missouri Information Analysis Center provides a composite of another group of “extremists” that actually dared to storm the ramparts of a regime far less decaying than the modern American state.

These people openly advocated secession, armed rebellion against the existing national government, and even the overthrow of that government; they were known members of a militia group that was involved in a shootout with law enforcement authorities, and they opposed the gun control efforts of the present government.

I give you the American Founding Fathers.