Shew me the tribute money. … Whose is this image and superscription? … Render therefore onto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and onto God the things that are God’s.
~ Jesus Christ
The second commandment, “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image,” addresses issues of respect, loyalty and holiness. According to theologian Charles Ryrie, “A graven image is a figure of wood or stone that is an object of worship.”
How is the second commandment violated in today’s idolatrous political culture? Let’s look at Obama the messiah who even before he had secured the presidency had the arrogance and self-deification to invent out of whole cloth the “Office of the President-Elect,” replete with his own graven image (seal) signifying his transcendent power, authority and divinity.
Even some of Obama’s most loyal admirers cannot any longer rationalize or defend his totalitarian tactics – for example, confiscating AIG, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Chrysler and GM with future designs on virtually every private business in America, to promoting universal health care, plans to create a “voluntary” civilian security force of millions of youth, installing devices in your home that “monitor” and control your energy usage, and the recent dramatic firing of GM’s CEO Rick Wagoner, just to name a few.
I don’t know what is more shocking, that Obama had the hubris to fire Rick Wagoner, or that Wagoner didn’t stand up like a man and sue the Obama administration on separation of powers and due process grounds. Instead, Wagoner allowed Obama that power over him, while most American citizens seem to be in a catatonic state during this benign revolution in our midst where Obama’s fascist tactics daily crescendo without challenge.
When we read the second commandment, Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, we must read that mandate broadly. True, there are no statues of Obama around America that people are bowing to, burning incense to, or creating a shrine for. However, there are many more subtle ways people are making graven images to what I consider an exceedingly Machiavellian, arrogant, narcissistic and dangerous politician.
Earlier I cited the example of the “President-Elect” seal, which after universal outrage, Obama quietly took off the front of his lectern. Nevertheless, he did not take down the image deifying himself inside his dark heart – a perverse idolatry that compels Obama to believe in his own megalomania, that he is some kind of transcendent messianic figure. Don’t believe me? Observe Obama’s daily actions as president. It is a case study of infantile entitlement liberalism writ large.
Other examples of graven images of Obama the messiah are the following:
- His trusty teleprompter goes wherever Obama goes. I wonder whose words are spoken into his ear for him to parrot. Words that are “engraved” on that conspicuous electronic devise that has such control over our president and over our nation. For example, Obama recently thanked himself for hosting a leader from Ireland. Why? Because the teleprompter told him to. Who is this invisible, mysterious, diabolical voice We the People did not elect to any office?
- Obama’s multi-billion-dollar bailouts are a form of graven image to the almighty dollar. These unconstitutional acts are similar to the fascist totalitarian tactics of Mussolini. Obama has all but dispensed with any pretext of a company having to take money from the federal government for him to usurp control.
- Under Obama “Corleone,” all private enterprise is vulnerable to his seemingly insatiable lust for power and control. Monday’s action against GM’s CEO was just his most blatant deification of himself.
- Obama sees himself as a demigod, a living breathing graven image to be worshiped through the bureaucracy of the State, like Wilson, FDR and LBJ before him. Constitutional strictures are irrelevant to him.
We the People are not innocent bystanders nor victims of Obama’s treachery, but like the German people during Hitler’s rise to power (1925-33) due in large part to our own secular, Marxist public school education most of us received, we are willing accomplices to our own demise. This treachery did not start with Obama, Bush, Clinton, Carter, Nixon, LBJ or even FDR, but goes all the way back to President Woodrow Wilson (1913-21) who was the first president in history to openly denigrate original intent and defame the veracity of the Constitution’s framers.
It was Wilson who gave us World War I, the Federal Reserve Bank, unilaterally fired all blacks from federal employment, did a laudatory White House screening of the racist KKK propaganda film, “Birth of a Nation” (1915) and was quoted as saying, “It is like writing history with lightning. And my only regret is that it is all so terribly true.” Most infamously, Wilson set in place a dizzying array of bureaucratic agencies that spied on, harassed and even arrested American citizens under the guise of “national security.”
Wilson was America’s first fascist president predating Lenin and the communist Bolshevik Revolution by four years (1917), predating Mussolini’s fascist government in Italy by nine years (1922) and foreshadowed Hitler’s totalitarian Nazi empire in Germany by 20 years (1933). In this instance, Wilson is a closer model to Obama than FDR, JFK or LBJ.
God said to the children of Israel, “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.” Our Constitution is based on the Scriptures and a social contract between We the People, our government (whom we loaned some of our natural rights to) and God. Therefore, has America violated this sacred commandment regarding Obama? Sadly, we have, but do not despair.
As long as We the People are in fear of our government, then tyrants and demigods like Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Barney Frank, Congress and the Supreme Court will continue to craft unconstitutional laws that will eventually enslave us all. Let us therefore begin by removing all of the graven images from American politics starting first with this usurper, Obama the messiah – both his actual deification in media images as well as his graven images throughout cyberspace.
Let us then return to God and to the original intent of the Constitution’s framers, for herein is America’s only salvation.