In the 2008 film “Traitor,” U.S. Army Special Forces Staff Sgt. Samir Horn (Don Cheadle) is an engineering and explosives expert recruited by the U.S. government to infiltrate Islamic terrorist groups by way of his expertise and ostensible usefulness to them. Horn is actually a Muslim, but finds jihad as it is practiced by extreme factions an odious perversion of Islam.
It appears that we have the other side of that coin in President Barack Obama. While he has given indications that he may be a closet Muslim (among other things; often, he’s too inscrutable to tell), the common denominator vis-à-vis his actions since becoming president remains: Anything to compromise the United States or tear down its institutions is at least worthy of consideration.
Last year, during an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, then-Sen. Obama slipped up and referred to “my Muslim faith.” Without trying to dissect the psychological ramifications of the remark, suffice it to say that it simply isn’t the sort of gaffe someone makes concerning their religion.
The incident was buried more quickly than an Ebola victim.
It is unfortunate, despite the stated designs and measures employed by Islamic extremists, that so many Americans have bought into the idea that Islam is “just another religion,” its adherents as assimilable as those of any other faith. Even former President George W. Bush promoted this belief, referring to Islam as a “great religion,” and publicly catering to those whom he considered “moderate” Muslims.
More recently, President Obama has made overtures toward gratuitously recruiting Muslims for positions in the White House. Then, the United Nations Human Rights Council approved a measure backed by Muslim nations urging the passage of international laws protecting Islam from “criticism.” Are we to believe that this action, pertaining to a religion that does nothing but inspire criticism, accidentally coincided with Obama’s election to the White House?
It is becoming increasingly clear that Americans will not be moved to close the proverbial barn door until the horses have escaped. There have been innumerable instances illustrating Islam’s incompatibility with Western thought and American values since Sept. 11, 2001. We so quickly forget incidents such as that in 2003, when Sgt. Asan Akbar, a Muslim, of the 101st Airborne Division, killed Capt. Christopher Scott Seifert by lobbing a grenade into a tent when their battalion was stationed in Kuwait. Right now, there are several cases in America being prosecuted or in which fugitives are being sought in connection with “honor killings” of women and children. These crimes are all cases in which Islamic sensibilities dictated the perpetrator’s actions.
Over the weekend, it was disclosed that the Iran-backed Hezbollah terrorist group is smuggling guns, drugs and people into the U.S. across our border with Mexico. A noteworthy development, to say the very least, but I will be astounded if we hear word one about it from our president.
Yet again, we are being choked with our own First Amendment by those on the far left who have perverted its meaning and intention. “Freedom of speech” now translates into tolerating speech designed to ultimately curtail all freedom of speech. “Freedom of religion” now translates into tolerating a religion whose tenets disallow for the practice of any other religion.
Does this smack of textbook insanity to you? It should.
Fortunately, the insinuation of Muslims into our society has been, until recently, very slow. Unfortunately, we now have the “perfect storm” of a substantial Muslim population in the U.S., a rekindled global atmosphere of Islamic extremism, a brainwashed, feminized populace and a subversive president. It has indeed been a stealth effort, which Barack Obama is willfully helping to consummate.
I don’t know if far-left politicians and their propaganda arm, the establishment press, suppose they will be able to control or manage radical Islam once it has gained a significant foothold here. Those who look to America’s tradition of being open to all religions have been deluded into believing that those assimilated “peaceful” Muslims hold the same views and values as groups who have emigrated here in the past.
Rest assured that that they will not raise a hand to preserve their adopted country. Once America’s institutions have been razed to their foundations, those whose rights we are now foolishly fighting to uphold will be perfectly comfortable enjoying the fruits of their more rash brothers’ actions.
WATCH: Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania. Is this his biggest rally ever?
WND Staff