April 15 has traditionally been a day of horrors for those Americans who pay taxes. Thanks to Barack Obama and his merry band of thieves, also known as the U.S. Congress, this April 15 Americans are giving the thieves the proverbial middle finger during tea parties across the United States.
We’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take their tax-and-spend-and-lie behavior anymore. Call it a national “time out” for Obama and his followers who have pushed the United States to the brink of bankruptcy and burdened us with historical debt. This “time out” isn’t going to be just a slap on the wrist. We aren’t letting up until Obama and Nancy Pelosi – and all of the tax-loving piglets sucking off citizens’ personal income – stop their thievery.
I will lead tea parties in San Francisco from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on April 15 at the corner of McAllister and Polk Streets, and in San Jose from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Plaza de Cesar Chavez (he’d be proud of us!) at south Market Street and Park Avenue.
My friends Brian Sussman and Barbara Simpson from San Francisco’s KSFO talk radio station (560am), will host a tea party in Pleasanton at the Amador Valley Community Park, 301 Black Avenue. Brian will host from 12:30-2:30 p.m. and Barbara will host from 4-6 p.m.
The thousands of tea parties across the fruited plains will be much larger than the original tea party of Dec. 16, 1773, when 116 people dumped 45 tons of British tea into the Boston Harbor to protest unfair taxes, among other obnoxious laws imposed on the American colonies by Britain.
In today’s dollars, the tea dumped in the harbor would cost about $1 million, according to Boston-tea-party.org. No wonder the Brits were steamed. I hope Obama and his buddies get the message when thousands upon thousands of Americans stand against them and their pork-laden ways. If they aren’t sharp enough to catch on this Tax Day, we’ll continue to send home the message. It’s kind of like potty-training a puppy: You have to keep taking them outside to show them that it’s not OK to potty where we sleep and eat.
The Nationwide Tax Day Tea Party began in the grass roots, and now big political names and conservative heavyweights are getting involved. But let’s be clear: This started from the ground up. The pushing came from Joe and Jane Taxpayer, the folks Obama calls the “bitter clingers.” We’re just middle-class or working-class or even wealthy Americans who don’t like Obama’s sharp left turn toward socialism, less freedom, more debt and increased taxes after his lies about decreasing taxes.
The same held true for the Boston Tea Party participants, according to Boston-tea-party.org:
The men who dumped tea into Boston Harbor were from many different backgrounds. About one-third of them were skilled artisans such as carpenters, masons and shoemakers. A much smaller number were merchants, doctors, clerk, and the like.
The Sons of Liberty were likely involved in the planning and execution of the Tea Party and played a big part in the Revolution. The modern-day tea parties, I hope, will inspire a cohesiveness resulting in a renewed Sons of Liberty that will fight for the freedom won for us by our forefathers.
Like the brave men who tossed the tea in Boston, we must be ready to continue the campaign. It has to be part of our lives until we have righted America’s course. On future Tax Days, we will no longer flinch at the sycophants in the halls of Congress or White House. They will once again answer to the people, the way our founders intended.
For more information on tea parties in your area, go to the Tax Day Tea Party website.
The media can’t seem to find a left-wing label for Kamala
Tim Graham