Do we love our children?

By WND Staff

They are falling like dominoes. State after state is declaring homosexual unions “marriage”: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa and now, Vermont, with California trembling on the brink. Marriage revolution measures also lurk in the legislatures of Maine, New Jersey and New Hampshire.

As much as some don’t want to recognize what’s happening, homosexual advocates are running all over us. They have a better strategy, more will and more workers who are dedicated, unapologetic and bold. On our side we have truth, and yet there are only a few people who understand we are in a war for its preservation. These few are backed (if one can call it that) by an army of the timid, the compromised, the doubtful, the confused and the treasonous.

Pastors avoid this issue like the plague – or go the other way and support homosexual “marriage.” Or like Pastor Rick Warren, there’s always the option of opposing it, then denying you ever opposed it.

The manly GOP runs with its tail between its legs at any skirmish involving the “H” word. Michael Steele believes people are probably born “gay,” so there goes the foundation of a cohesive platform against legitimizing it as marriage. If articulated consistently, opposing homosexuality could be a winning issue for any party, because it happens to be the right thing to do, and most people know that at a gut level.

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Some think it’s a lack of vision – not realizing that our Christian witness, child safety and even the future of American liberty are at stake. What is beginning to occur to me and others is that something critical is missing in the heart of our people. Maybe it’s an issue even more shameful than cowardice. It’s one thing to be shortsighted or wary; it’s quite another not to care enough.

This is not an “adults only” issue, and it’s not about marriage. It’s about legitimizing the behavior of homosexuality everywhere: in dating, in sexual identities, in the workplace. It’s about embracing its stories and mythologies, and ignoring the pathologies, to form the dreams and identities of even 10-year-olds. It becomes permissible to transform Christianity based on such legitimacy. Why can’t we talk about what’s really happening?

If homosexual marriage is a fact, every child will be taught, K through 12, that it’s fine and acceptable. And you won’t escape this at a Christian school if it’s the law of the land. Pastors, think about this next time you turn down those marriage amendment petition-takers from setting up a table in the church lobby.

Homosexual activists do not simply have tolerance as a goal. Revolution is where this is going. Even those who want to be “married” never restrain the radicals in their midst. Where are all those “abstinence until domestic partnership” programs embraced by the “gay” straight alliances at schools? Look in vain – they don’t exist.

I don’t say this with superiority, because I spent two decades as an adult not really caring enough. So for 15 years, my goal has been to educate people about what their kids are being taught in schools about homosexuality. My sad conclusion is that most Christian parents aren’t all that concerned. Millions are evidently quite able to tolerate the presence of a homosexual club on site at the place where their precious offspring spend seven hours each day presumably absorbing the best wisdom adults can give them. There’s a kind of, “Oh, well – what can you do?” attitude. You can remove your children from an ever-present flashing signal to ignore Christian doctrine, that’s what.

Marriage as a legal “right” only intensifies what has already started. Ask David Parker in Massachusetts, shortly after it became the first state to allow “gay marriage.” All Parker wanted from his taxpayer-funded school was the right to be informed ahead of time if his child was going to be learning about homosexuality. He does not have that right, according to our modern courts. Where was the leadership of Christian America in fighting this crucial parental-rights battle?

Barbara Walters went on ABC’s “20/20” and talked in soothing tones about “Jazz,” a little boy who wants to dress as a girl, whose idiotic parents are going to let him, and whose school is going to adjust. Why aren’t these parents and doctors arrested for child abuse? Don’t people care about the damage to this boy? Yet schools all over the country are “adjusting” to gender-bending staff or students. It’s not progress, but a retreat to tribalism.

Why is this depravity racing past us? Because we have been unwilling to accurately define and deal with the issue. The issue is not “marriage”; it’s perversion – and our Bibles tell us exactly what’s wrong with that, as if we can’t see it.

There are people who care but who are stymied about what they can do. But the point is, do something, and defend others who are trying. One thing you can do: Tell your large Christian ministries to deal with the actual problem. Talk about the risks of homosexuality. Talk about the threat to children. And send that same message to the GOP. Get it out in the open and this problem will go away in a flash. Try to disguise it and like a stubborn antibiotic-resistant infection, and it will keep returning in various forms.

So this isn’t about “marriage.” That’s today’s talking point. It’s about rape and corruption of the vulnerable in every possible way. Is that the kind of community or country you want to live in?

Let’s be in unity on this. Fathers, turn your hearts back to your children in their trust and innocence. Let’s join together to protect people young and old, to save the freedom of the Gospel, and to rescue those who will hear. God will open the ears of some, if we are clear, bold and unafraid.

Linda Harvey is president of Mission America and author of the new book “Not My Child: Contemporary Paganism and the New Spirituality” (AMG Publishers).