Obama’s health site seeking ‘nightmares’

By Chelsea Schilling

President Obama has launched an online “health care story bank” that allows citizens to share real-life medical horror stories and stimulate support for his health care plans for the nation.

The blog, located at Obama’s Organizing for America website, is titled “Health Care Stories for America.” It asks visitors to read stories from people across the country and “see the common thread in a crisis that affects us all.”

When a user is moved by a particular story – one that inspires them to act and “reminds us all of the human cost of the status quo” – they may vote to “amplify” the listing by clicking on a megaphone icon or flag it as inappropriate. Clicking the amplify option makes the listing more prominent.

In its terms of service, the story bank notifies users that moderators have the right to “edit, refuse to post or remove any material submitted to or posted on our Website …”

The medical nightmares range from people who claim to have been diagnosed with cancer while unemployed to a single mother who could not afford health insurance after a divorce. Some comments include the following:

  • I remember when there was someone who wanted to give every American the same coverage that members of congress receive. Millions of people voted for that man. That man is now in the pocket of the health care lobby. … For shame.
  • First when I was in college I went several years without health insurance. I had a part time job but of course benefits don’t come with a part time job. I learned the hard way. …
  • Why if I’m covered with insurance do I have to pay $150.00 for an ER visit?
  • I have spent almost all of my adult life without health insurance, as I could not afford the monthly payments.

The website asks visitors to “help pass real health care reform” by donating money.

“For decades, health care reform has been blocked by special interest lobbying and political point-scoring. But it doesn’t have to be this way,” it states. “… Your contribution will help us pass comprehensive health care reform and ensure that every American has access to quality, affordable health care.”

As WND reported, the Obama administration’s Office of Science & Technology launched a similar online forum to allow Americans to discuss ways of creating an “open government,” which in turn resulted in a flood of people seeking disclosure of Obama’s proof of eligibility to serve as president.

A quick survey of flagged, removed and archived posts revealed 100 percent of those yanked for being off-topic were, in fact, on the topic of Obama’s birth records.

WND posted the following comment on the new health care website to see whether it would be flagged for removal as well:

At the time of this report, the comment remained posted.

Chelsea Schilling

Chelsea Schilling is a news and commentary editor for WND and a proud U.S. Army veteran. She has a master's degree in public policy and a bachelor's degree in journalism. Schilling also worked as a news producer at USA Radio Network and as a news reporter for the Sacramento Union. Read more of Chelsea Schilling's articles here.