There is so much misinformation on the subject of global warming and so little consensus – as to what environmental changes are occurring, whether human behavior is contributing to them, whether they are causing significant environmental damage, and whether the proposed cap and trade legislation would do anything to alleviate any of this – it is no wonder our freedom-hating majority in the House insisted on cramming it through before they could even read, much less digest, what it contained.
It would be bad enough if they passed innocuous legislation to address an alleged problem (man-caused global warming) without first verifying there is a problem and then analyzing and assessing the extent of it, but it’s outrageous that they would pass a measure that could have crippling effects on our economy and American taxpayers.
Who do these people think they are – that they can claim a mandate to do anything they want to, that they can grab as much power as they want, that they can transform our government overnight into an enemy of the people, with no fear of accountability? Oh, I know; the government has already behaved like the people’s enemy all too often, but never on the scale we’re witnessing today – from a party that had the audacity to accuse President George W. Bush of abusing his authority.
Just where is the journalistic skepticism in today’s dominant media culture or the professed open-mindedness of Democrats?
What is their response when people have the temerity to challenge their assertions on catastrophic global warming? It is ridicule and abuse. Not only are the doubters flat-earth Neanderthals; they are darn near treasonous, according to the dogmatic left.
You don’t believe me? In a piece about the cap and trade bill, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman wrote, “As I watched the (global warming) deniers make their arguments, I couldn’t help thinking that I was watching a form of treason – treason against the planet.”
Don’t get me wrong. It’s not really newsworthy when leftists incline toward criminalizing their political opponents. Both Krugman and his colleague Frank Rich wrote columns last month essentially blaming President Barack Obama’s critics for the murders of abortion doctor George Tiller and the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum security guard.
But I digress. While President Obama says that global warming “science is beyond dispute and the facts are clear” and Krugman says the “warming deniers” have “contempt for hard science,” the record reveals a different story. If anyone has contempt for hard science, it is the Krugman leftists, who, either because of their political agenda or ideological predispositions, refuse to acknowledge – let alone consider – opposing opinions, even when they come from “hard scientists.”
One way they deal with the very real fact that there is significant opposition to their dogmatic conclusions is to personally attack their opponents, usually saying evil corporations with vested interests in destroying the planet have bought them off. Just as often, they simply out-yell, ridicule, ignore or attempt to silence them. Remember when MIT’s Richard Lindzen acknowledged that many scientists refuse to publicize their dissent to make “their lives easier”?
I would like to know how Krugman and Obama would explain away the fact that more than 31,000 scientists, including more than 9,000 with Ph.D.s, have signed a petition urging the United States government to reject the global warming agreement known as Kyoto – “and any other similar proposals” – because “the proposed limits on greenhouse gases would harm the environment, hinder the advance of science and technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind.” Another 100 scientists have endorsed a newspaper ad by the Cato Institute challenging the president’s “facts” on global warming.
But these authoritarian leftists don’t just scoff at the hard science contradicting their conclusions about global warming and the extent to which man is contributing to it. In their close-minded arrogance, they completely eschew any scientific inquiry into whether cap and trade legislation would have any appreciable impact on the alleged problems.
But if they are so sure of their scientific position, why are we reading reports that “Environmental Protection Agency officials have silenced one of their own senior researchers after the 38-year employee issued an internal critique of the EPA’s climate change position”?
That’s right; after WorldNetDaily originally broke the story, the CBS Political Hotsheet reported that “less than two weeks before the agency formally submitted its pro-regulation recommendation to the White House, an EPA center director quashed a 98-page report that warned against making hasty ‘decisions based on a scientific hypothesis that does not appear to explain most of the available data.'”
What say you, President Obama?
If you and your comrades are so sure of your science, why – other than, perhaps, your mission to destroy capitalism – are you silencing and/or ignoring dissenting science?