The ‘perpetual mediocrity’ nominee

By Craige McMillan

The nomination of Sonia Sotomayor for a position on the United States Supreme Court is a clear case of “dumbing down” the nation’s highest court for the often-orated but factually bereft “benefits” of “diversity.”

When George W. Bush was slapped down for his cronyism in the nomination of Harriet Miers for a position on the same court, he responded with a degree of humility and nominated John Roberts for the position. No one has accused Mr. Roberts of lacking the intellectual firepower needed for the position. No one has suggested that elements of his character would prevent sound judging. And no one has pointed out more intellectually qualified candidates whom the president could have nominated.

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Is that the case with Sonia Sotomayor? Or is it simply that Judge Sotomayor’s main “qualifications” for a position on the nation’s highest court are her sex, her race and the fact that in previous decisions she has ruled from the bench in favor of perpetual mediocrity (also known as affirmative action and racial set-asides)? She decided that the city of New Haven was right to ignore qualified white firefighters for promotion, simply because no blacks passed the test and qualified. Nice. A real color-blind society.

That ruling was typical of the inbred affirmative action crowd, which has now seen its offspring come to positions of power in the media, government and academia. Their policies result, far more often than not, in promotion of the unprepared and unqualified to positions of power over those who “worked hard and played by the rules,” as Bill Clinton described much of America. But that’s what affirmative action is all about, isn’t it?

That isn’t what affirmative action was about when it started. It was designed as a temporary measure to give blacks a “leg up” in a hostile job environment, after years of preparatory opportunities were denied to them. That quickly deteriorated into an entitlement mindset, especially among the privileged liberals who administered these programs. And the entitlement grew into the present “punish white America” mindset that we so often see among the failures and flunkies riding in the most prominent seats on the affirmative action bandwagon.

Ward Connerly has it right. He knows that today’s affirmative action is nothing more than blatant racial set-asides that hurt black America far more than they help it. And America knows it, too; his initiatives pass in elections, but they are evaded by the flunkies on the bandwagon, who are far more qualified to be cleaning toilets rather than operating centers of learning.

Make no mistake: Sotomayor is being installed on the Supreme Court for one reason, and one reason alone: She is a reliable vote for affirmative action in perpetuity. She is being put there to insure that America will never get over race – never in our lifetimes and never in our children’s lifetimes. The push to seat her on the court is judicial lawmaking on the same gutter level as Roe v. Wade. And it’s how the left has always operated.

Come to think of it, isn’t this precisely the type of nomination one would expect from a man who got where he is because he was he had the right skin color, rather than the right qualifications, for the job he now holds? If Mr. Obama was admitted to college because of his qualifications, why have his entrance papers been sealed from the public rather than displayed on the school’s website? Where are his law school aptitude test results? Where is his law school entrance examination? Where are the articles he wrote and the grades he received? Where are the legal articles he wrote? Where are the interim drafts of the book he supposedly authored? Where, in fact, is the evidence that the man the Democrats have installed in the White House was the “best of class” in anything?

America today has become the poster child for the Democrat Party’s entitlement mentality, racial set-asides and punish-success mindset. In its heart, America has always been about expanding the pie for everyone. Capitalism does this whether its players want to or not. How does institutional mediocrity, perpetual tribalism and punishing success work for America?

Craige McMillan

Craige McMillan is a longtime commentator for WND. Read more of Craige McMillan's articles here.