When America’s founders established, for the first time in world history, special government protections for a free and independent press, they probably could not have imagined a monstrous future mutation of their dream like National Public Radio.
The First Amendment’s press protections were designed to serve as yet another check and balance on the tendency of government to expand and grow well beyond its limitations, assuming God-like powers over the affairs of men.
America’s founders were in the business of removing shackles from the people and placing them on the government – knowing government is always the primary threat to personal liberty.
They envisioned the free press as a vigilant independent watchdog on government – a champion of the people in the eternal quest by the powerful for more power.
Yet, as I wrote in my book, “Stop the Presses! The Inside Story of the New Media Revolution,” today’s corporate, establishment journalism has, almost without exception, betrayed its mission to serve as a watchdog of government and other powerful institutions. Instead, it would be more accurate to characterize most of my colleagues as lapdogs for government.
Worse yet, there is a distinctively hideous brand of pseudo-journalist in America today who actually gets paid by government to do its bidding.
That’s where the likes of NPB and PBS come in.
If you doubt what I am saying, I would like you to take a look at the way NPR is covering the federal government’s push for nationalization of health care in America.
Not only is NPR an active cheerleader for Washington’s proposed takeover of another 17 percent of the private sector economy, it is actually resorting to harassment and intimidation of those who oppose socialized medicine.
Some of the people in that room are lobbyists. Some are private citizens – simply people concerned about their God-given rights to make their own decisions about health care.
These are not enemies of the people – the way NPR seems to suggest. They are the people – attempting to have their say with a government that is supposed to be of the people, by the people and for the people.
But I’ll tell you who the enemies of the people really are. It’s the folks driving bigger and bigger government with less and less personal freedom at NPR who should be watched, identified, publicly humiliated, excoriated and ridiculed for their Gestapo tactics. In a truly free civil society, that should cause them to be stripped of their taxpayer subsidies once and for all.
However, the truth is, NPR is paying the piper. It is doing just what its taskmasters in Washington expect of it – promoting more government control over the lives of Americans. How dare those pesky civilians try to interfere in the progressive agenda? This is a matter for the elites to decide.
NPR is contemptuous of the rule of law and the will of the people. It would evidently prefer if a small clique of politicians were able to set the course for the nation’s policies behind closed doors and away from the unenlightened rabble.
Somebody should post pictures of all the paid government apparatchiks at NPR somewhere so we can play a can’t-lose game of pin the tail on the donkey.