The aristocracy’s name-calling hooligans

By Mychal Massie

Wanting the cacophony of anti-war rhetoric against then President Bush to continue – Nancy Pelosi told those gathered at a Jan. 1, 2006, town hall meeting: “I’m a fan of Franklin Roosevelt, because he was a disruptor and I’m a great fan of disruption” – continuing with, “There’s nothing more eloquent or important to a member of Congress than the voice of his or her constituent.” Where is her love and appreciation for our voices now?

She and Steny Hoyer, D-Md., viciously lament, “There is an ugly campaign under way not merely to misrepresent the health insurance reform legislation [which until a couple of days ago was titled universal health care reform], but to disrupt … civil dialogue. These disruptions are occurring because opponents are afraid not just of differing views – but of the facts themselves – drowning out opposing views is simply un-American.”

She reveres Roosevelt, “because he was a disruptor,” but she and Hoyer call those of us voicing opposition to universal health care reform by exercising our constitutional right to be heard, “un-American.” She also told illegal aliens they were “patriotic [Americans] and patriots.”

The word that best represents their Erebusic duplicity is Mohock. Mohocks were aristocratic hooligans who roamed about assaulting commoners in the streets of early 18th-century London. And that is exactly what Obama and Congress are verbally doing today. The president, congressional members, and their minions and surrogates have called us mobs, and worse.

Don’t miss the most recent edition of Whistleblower magazine: “Medical Murder: Why Obamacare could result in the early deaths of millions of baby boomers”

Cynthia Tucker, of the Atlanta Journal Constitution newspaper, and Janeane Garofalo have called us racists. MSNBC’s Ed Schultz claims that we “want Obama to get shot.” The mainstream media are advancing the idea that we are “hate groups” and that our dissention is threatening Obama’s safety.

Our protests have been nothing like those staged by liberal groups against President Bush. We haven’t spit, thrown things, or held violent protests that endangered police forces called to quell them. There has been none of the vitriol and unrest President Bush endured.

There are aggrieved outcries over the depiction of Obama as “The Joker” – but where was the outcry when Justice Clarence Thomas and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice were being savaged and satirized? They complain that we “are not telling the truth” about the proposed legislation, but the truth is, we are the ones being lied to by them. We are voicing opposition, citing page and paragraph numbers from the bill. What did Dan Rather use when he presented false documentation pursuant to President Bush’s military record?

These Mohocks cannot conceive that we would be upset. They arrogantly say we don’t know what is good for us. They refuse to acknowledge that their actions have united people from all parties because we are smart enough to recognize the smell of manure when we are standing downwind.

Pelosi, et al., believed the voices of dissent were sacrosanct when directed at President Bush, but when directed at them or Obama, our voices are ignorant and racist.

Bob Beckel and others argue that insurance companies and extremist factions within the Republican Party are organizing us. But Republicans in Congress have time and again proven themselves to be craven, spineless, individuals, willing to cave in or compromise on a moment’s notice – rather than picking up their swords and shields in defense of our rights. Their idea of opposition is to craft a universal health care reform measure of their own.

Beckel and company know that we are not under the control of anyone. Their sleight of tongue intended to undermine our dissent, demonstrates their elitist disrespect and disdain for the common man.

We are not ignorant children – we are the people responsible for their being in office, and we pay their salaries. We don’t sit in the ivory towers of congressional office buildings living on what amounts to taxpayer welfare. They condemn us while ordering eight super jets for their private use. They attempt to bully and demagogue us. They speak down to us and set their union goons upon those who disagree.

Over 50 percent of the country disapproves of this legislation. It isn’t because we hate Obama and it certainly isn’t because he is Kenyan-American. We oppose it because, unlike them, we’ve read, it and nothing dissuades us of the understanding that it is bad for America. We are vocal in our opposition because Obama and Congress seek to push aside the fact that they serve at our choosing.

We don’t need them to meddle in something they can only make worse. And to that point, does anyone care to guess how many earmarks they plan to attach to the proposed bill?

Mychal Massie

Mychal Massie is founder and chairman of the Racial Policy Center (, a conservative think tank that advocates for a colorblind society. He was recognized as the 2008 Conservative Man of the Year by the Conservative Party of Suffolk County, New York. He is a nationally recognized political activist, pundit and columnist. Massie has appeared on cable news and talk-radio programming worldwide. He is also the founder and publisher of The Daily Rant: His latest book is "I Feel the Presence of the Lord." Read more of Mychal Massie's articles here.