Feisty new Christian history magazine – free!

By WND Staff

Were the Founding Fathers Christians? Certainly not, according to the revisionists who have been rewriting America’s history schoolbooks. But neither were they all committed believers. The truth is that there was a battle raging for the hearts and minds of the new-born Republic in 1776 that continues to our present day.

That story, and many like it, are told powerfully and eloquently in the pages of a quarterly magazine of Christian history and biography called Leben. Each issue is a virtual collector’s item, lavishly illustrated, intelligently written and bringing to its readers stories of courage and faithfulness you simply won’t find anywhere else.

For a limited time, you can sample a six-month subscription to Leben absolutely free.

Leben Editor Wayne Johnson says the uplifting and inspiring stories in each issue of the magazine are out there – but just a little hard to find.

“The stories already exist,” he told WND. “This is our actual history. It’s just a matter of poring through centuries-old books and records and piecing the narratives together.”

He says many of the stories found in Leben once were common knowledge in America. But decades of secularization have erased them from the country’s collective memory banks.

“Some of them have been systematically buried for generations,” he said. “In other cases, we simply have better tools today to uncover and piece together facts using modern technology and the Internet. For example, we routinely correspond with small museums and libraries in Europe, and around the world for that matter, who share our passion for uncovering these unique and often quite amazing facts, stories, old woodcuts, paintings, etc. all of which we tie together to bring our readers a ‘you are there’ experience.”

Leben is what Johnson calls a “labor of love” of the students, faculty and friends of City Seminary in Sacramento, California.

“The seminary founded Leben five years ago as a way of teaching future pastors the importance of knowing the sacrifices and faithfulness of those who have gone before us,” explained Johnson. “Although the seminary is a very conservative evangelical school, the magazine has been widely embraced by readers coming from a broad range of denominational backgrounds. The church today is divided along so many fissure lines, but we can all celebrate the labors and sacrifices of the missionaries, patriots and martyrs who have gone before us. I think that’s why Leben seems to cross so many denominational barriers.”

And what about the name?

“Leben is a German word meaning ‘life,’ and was chosen not only because it is about the lives of those who have gone before us, but as a testimony to our new life in Christ,” Johnson said. “The seminary has its roots in the old Protestant churches of Switzerland and Germany, as well as the Pennsylvania Dutch settlers, and that probably gives us a slight bias in our story selection, but our goal is to produce a magazine that the believing church can embrace.”

Order your free six-month subscription to Leben now.