He wants you ‘hatemongers’ silenced

By Phil Elmore

When Declan McCullagh’s piece in CNET News sounded the dire warning, “Bill would give president emergency control of Internet,” it wasn’t a surprise to readers of Technocracy. Back in April, we warned you of Obama’s incipient Internet Tyranny, and since then these pages have several times sounded the clarion call concerning Barack Hussein Obama’s leftist totalitarianism.

The Obama administration grows more brazen with each passing day, and the radical leftists, racists and Marxists with whom Obama surrounds himself no longer feel they must hide their ideologies. The administration that urged citizens to inform on their fellow Americans for thought crimes, for daring to question Obama’s attempt to nationalize the health-care industry (while lying to you about the cost, about the impact on your health-care choices and about Obama’s own intentions for the plan), has continued its inexorable march toward an American police state, grinning broadly into the television cameras while gesturing sharply for the apprehension and public shaming of all who would question Obama’s might.

Our brittle, oversensitive president cannot abide criticism, you see; a clown face on a posted bill or on a T-shirt sets him and his supporters to grinding their teeth over imagined racism, while his minions dream up ever more “code words” to place on the contraindicated speech lists. Every word and deed taken by the administration is an attempt both to strengthen its breathtaking power grabs and to silence any opposition to those actions, shutting down its critics directly or condemning those critics in the court of public opinion. If you can wrongly redefine your political opposition as racist, as terrorists, as dangerous, why, you can easily marginalize any and all dissent – and then crush it with naked force while claiming you’re merely keeping the populace safe. This is the drive behind redefining all of Obama’s opponents as domestic terrorists, and this is why any left standing are declared to be racist hatemongers who simply don’t like Obama because he happens to be black.

Are we headed for a Nazi-style totalitarian abyss? Find out in “Defeating the Totalitarian Lie: A Former Hitler Youth Warns America”

This rhetoric, amazingly, is thrown about while the ranks of Obama’s minions continue to close in, filled out by ever-more radical appointees who slaver with anticipation at the thought of curtailing Americans’ civil liberties. Take, for example, “Green Jobs Czar” Van Jones, evidently a racist and a communist who makes no secret of his radical views. Jones talks proudly of “changing the system” while condemning whites and espousing theories of social justice. To give “power,” “dignity” and “wealth” to supposedly oppressed classes requires that these things first be taken from the objects of Jones’ ire, and of course those people are the white proponents and supporters of the system Jones wants to change.

And what do Obama’s drones do when people dare to point out the racist and Marxist rhetoric vomiting forth from those whom Obama appoints to positions of authority? Why, they take a break from revising and selectively editing Ted Kennedy’s biography to demand that those daring to criticize such political luminaries be silenced. They call them racists. They call them agitators. They call them unhinged. They lie, saying that the critics are themselves liars. They claim the critics are spreading “hate” and that they are un-American. (A tiny blog called ConWebWatch even granted me their “Obama Derangement Award” for daring to question the president’s desire to control your day-to-day communications and speech.) Yet while expressing their deep and abiding outrage over those who’ve had the temerity, the unmitigated gall, to question the Obama administration’s motley crew of radical left-wing advisers, czars, consultants, and bureaucrats, they make no attempt to hide the fact that these people now in power are exactly the monsters their critics claim them to be.

The Democrats who howled in outrage over domestic wiretapping and other provisions of the Patriot Act, when George W. Bush was in charge, now seem to think nothing of giving Barack Hussein Obama a giant “off switch” to the freaking Internet. They don’t stop to consider the report I cited that declares conservative Americans to be domestic terrorists based on little more than Internet chatroom discussions. Even as the leftists curled about Obama’s feet shore up their attempts to take control of your Internet access, they’ve already eagerly targeted the one media outlet left-wing ideology does not dominate: AM-band talk radio.

It’s no secret that Democrats want to revive the euphemistically named “Fairness Doctrine” to silence talk radio. They believe private companies who use private equipment to broadcast privately owned opinion programs should be forced to broadcast failed leftist editorials in equal measure. There is little market for leftist talk radio, but by forcing it down our throats, those in power know that they will make talk radio prohibitively expensive — thus destroying it altogether. The end result is that the single greatest source of criticism of the president’s policies will be silenced. Obama’s followers rub their hands with glee at this prospect.

To this end, Obama appointed a “Diversity Czar,” attorney Mark Lloyd. This appointment is nothing more than an attempt to destroy free political speech, and its expression, on American airwaves. Like nearly all of Obama’s appointed power-mongers, Lloyd is, in the words of Anthony Martin, “a Marxist who disdains private enterprise, private property owners, free markets and even free speech as described in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.” In Barack Hussein Obama’s America, however, war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength … and “diversity” is freedom of speech, even as Obama’s critics are silenced in its name.

I called Obama “our technology dictator” in a previous column. At the time, I wondered if perhaps I wasn’t being melodramatic. I’ve even been told that the way I express my opinions in this column is hateful. Little did I know that Obama would affirm my assessment so readily, so repeatedly and so ruthlessly.

Our technology dictator and his minions are on the march. The footfalls of their jackboots won’t cease unless we stand up to them.

Phil Elmore

Phil Elmore is a freelance reporter, author, technical writer, voice actor and the owner of Samurai Press. Visit him online at www.philelmore.com. Read more of Phil Elmore's articles here.