My name is John Stokes, and I reside in Bigfork, Mont., USA.
First, I love you, no matter where you are, age sex or race. I love you and will help you any way I can. My family will also.
I am 57 years young, married for 32 years to my beautiful bride and blessed to have one child named Elizabeth, age 28, and she is married to a wonderful man named David. I am blessed to have and love many friends.
I get by and pay my bills and own KGEZ 600 AM radio in Kalispell, Mont. I also do an information program for three hours daily. I pray to our Lord daily that others may be cared for, healthy and happy.
I’m not a stupid person – but I don’t understand why:
Millions have lost their jobs
Millions have lost their homes.
A possibly foreign-born person is our president.
Our Congress is subservient to globalist interests and not Main Street America.
The real truth of events is kept from the citizens.
Homosexuality is now taught in our schools and considered normal. (Never met one that was normal.) Same sex marriage is now a right.
We must insure the private bank shareholders so they don’t fail, or miss a vacation at the Hamptons or a yacht payment. I have not had a vacation in 15 years. I am self-employed.
We have a fiat currency only valued by its debt and our future wages.
It is mandated we pay private insurance companies monthly and yearly to drive or own a business or home, and now it appears we must pay additionally for our health. I am healthy and don’t have any benefit from paying $1,800 to $3,000 to a private insurance company so it can continue to speculate in the derivative market.
I don’t understand $4 quadrillion in derivative debt.
Our food supply now comes from foreign sources.
Our domestic food supply has been genetically modified and even kills the insects.
We can’t pray in public or our schools.
Pornography is free speech.
The right to assemble and protest is limited to a free-speech zone.
Our taxes pay for abortion.
The people we elect think the Constitution that they have sworn to uphold and defend is considered a GD piece of paper.
Our jobs for American families are now overseas.
Our wives must work in order to attempt to stay even with inflation.
Marriage is no longer revered, and women have children out of wedlock that we are expected to pay for.
We have been at war and occupying Iraq for 19 years.
We need a North American Union with Canada and Mexico.
Agencies of the federal government write their own laws, unknown or unwanted to us, which we must obey.
They want to track every farm animal.
Our garage sales are now monitored.
I must take my shoes off to get on a plane.
The agents of government can now come into our homes without lawful warrant.
Our government spends twice as much as it takes in and in addition to taking 40 percent of our yearly income, burdens us with a long-term debt we did not agree to.
We pay for people not to work.
We pay farmers not to farm.
Farmers are going broke and getting pennies for their labor and product when we pay record prices.
A pickup truck cost $40,000 and is made in another country. Toyotas are made here!
We pay for others’ babies and for illegal immigrants.
Our borders are open, and 50 million uninvited guests are bleeding us dry.
We give away foreign aid.
Our public schools we pay for to educate our children can’t produce.
People watch TV and become absolutely stupid.
People voluntarily drink fluoride, eat MSG, soy, genetically modified food and every other toxic byproduct of the chemical petro industry.
I don’t understand Prozac.
I don’t understand why people are afraid of guns.
I don’t understand why people fear the government.
I don’t understand why so many beautiful single women can’t find a decent man to love provide and protect her.
I don’t understand why America sleeps when we should be getting out the tar and feathers and doings as our founders did. If you have any answers, I’d like you to share them with me at [email protected].
My love and blessings,
John Stokes