Where’s your focus?

By Janet Porter

For months I focused on the news and the assault on our freedoms and our free market. I was exhausted and weighed down with what seemed like an overwhelming battle. My husband told me not to watch the news because “it makes you upset.” I replied, “If you’re not upset, you don’t understand what’s going on.” Like many other freedom-loving Americans, I felt the discouragement that came with the current events in Washington.

My focus was on the attack.

Then, I was encouraged to hear about what may be the largest crowd ever to gather at the Mall to protest the Obama agenda of government control of health care, our free market and our freedoms. As many as 2 million people gathered – all fed-up with what Congress is trying to do. The CNN reporters, who tried to make the taxpaying protesters out to be extremists, were surrounded with people chanting: “Tell the truth,” “Tell the truth!” Ahh, a breath of free speech. It’s refreshing. Encouraging. Hopeful. But one of the speakers at the event told me his perspective: “Our hope is in the people; it’s our only hope.”

His focus was on people.

Take a stand for the principles that have made America so great, a magnetic bumper sticker proclaiming: “Life, Liberty and Property”

This weekend, I celebrated my first wedding anniversary. My husband is kind and smart; godly and fun. We had a wonderful weekend in West Palm Beach. We renewed our vows at Dennis Rainey’s Weekend to Remember at almost the exact time we said them one year ago. Romantic. Emotional. But in the midst of rushing away, my beloved husband forgot his anniversary card. I didn’t need a present. I just wanted a card. My first wedding anniversary and I didn’t get a card. Poor me.

My focus was on myself.

Then, I found out my 1-year-old nephew, Joshua (diagnosed with cerebral palsy, brain damage, epilepsy and blindness), was in intensive care hanging on by a thread. Yesterday, I held that little boy in my arms – with tubes and wires attached to his entire body. He rested his little head against me while I prayed for his life. I didn’t care about a stupid card anymore.

My focus was on little Joshua.

An hour later, on Monday’s Faith2Action radio program, I interviewed a guest who is one of the godliest people I know: Bo Chin, from Christians Building Unity. A disagreeable caller informed us that he didn’t believe in prayer. Said it didn’t work. And it was a waste of time. Then, unsolicited, the lines lit up with one call after another – each with testimony after testimony of personal proof of answered prayer. Cancer gone. Marriages healed. God and His plan showing up even in the midst of death and divorce.

And, finally, my focus was where it belonged – on God.

He is the source of healing for our families and for our nation. Don’t just talk about how important prayer is – join us in our prayer room from 2-3 p.m. Eastern at 712-432-1690 (access code: 499061#) or reserve your own hour to pray daily or weekly at: www.f2a.org.

Then join us next week in St. Louis as we find out How to Take Back America. The line-up includes: Gov. Mike Huckabee, congressional Reps. Michele Bachmann, Dr. Tom Price, Trent Franks, Tom McClintock and Steve King, and leaders like Three Star Gen. Jerry Boykin, Mat Staver, Rick Scarborough and Phyllis Schlafly. Groups of five or more, pastors and student discount rates are still available at: 800-726-8096.

But, rest assured, our hope isn’t in a conference or a rally. It isn’t in the leaders, the training, or the people. Although God works through these, our hope – our only hope – is in the God of our forefathers. Pray for His mercy. Ask for His wisdom.

And make sure you don’t lose your focus on God.

Janet Porter

Janet Porter is president of Faith2Action*: turning people of faith into people of action to WIN the cultural war TOGETHER for life, liberty and the family. Porter is the architect of the pro-life Heartbeat Bill, which has been passed in 10 states. The author of six books, she hosts a daily radio program and a daily radio commentary heard in over 300 markets and at www.f2a.org. * Title and affiliation for identification purposes only. Read more of Janet Porter's articles here.