Demand to know if it’s ‘Made in U.S.A.’

By Roger Simmermaker

Through most of the 1990s and into 2001, legislation was introduced regularly into the U.S. Congress to establish a toll-free number that consumers could call to find information on “Made in U.S.A.” products.

In each of these congressional sessions, the House of Representatives passed the Made in America Information Act, and in March 2001, this patriotic legislation, H.R. 725, passed by an overwhelming vote of 407-3!

The legislation then sat before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, where it was ignored and eventually died.

Now it’s time to convince the members of the United States Senate to listen!

The purpose of the Made in America Information Act is to provide for the establishment and operation of a three-year, toll-free number pilot program to assist consumers in determining what products are “Made in America.”

The bill stipulates that all costs of the program be paid for by manufacturers who voluntarily choose to participate in the program. This means there will be absolutely no cost to the U.S. taxpayer!

Please fill out the simple online petition, which will be used to grab the attention of legislators who can get this bill moving again.

Your House of Representatives spoke loudly and clearly back in 2001 and in several sessions before that. It is now time for the American people to make sure Congress votes on and approves this plan!

The time is right to highlight “Buy American” since it is very much in the minds of our congressional leaders today because of the current economy and the unprecedented loss of manufacturing jobs.

Stand up for “Made in USA” and sign the online petition today.

Roger Simmermaker

Roger Simmermaker is the author of "How Americans Can Buy American: The Power of Consumer Patriotism." He also writes "Buy American Mention of the Week" articles for his website. Roger has been a frequent guest on Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC and has been quoted in the USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and US News & World Report, among many other publications. Read more of Roger Simmermaker's articles here.