If traffic on various message boards is any indication, Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron like pain. They invited it with their bold evangelism efforts through the ministry, The Way of the Master. For some time, Comfort has recognized that perhaps the key cultural issue in the U.S. is the subject of origins.
In his new book, “Nothing Created Everything,” Comfort takes on the priesthood of Darwinian philosophy. Specifically, he compares the worldviews of Charles Darwin and today’s most famous atheist, Richard Dawkins.
Shrewdly, Comfort makes a distinction between what these two change agents promote(d). In short, he maintains that Darwin did not jettison the idea of God wholesale – especially given the world in which he lived and worked – but Dawkins has no such reservations.
Cleverly – I love the chutzpah – Comfort uses Dawkins’ quote about him on the cover: “[Ray Comfort is] an ignorant fool.”
Comfort, well-known for his bold street evangelism (“Do you believe you are good?”), has for some time discussed evolution and its harmful effects on our culture. Coincidentally, the modern “creationism” movement began at the same time prayer was taken out of schools – Henry Morris and John Whitcomb’s “Genesis Flood” questioned evolutionary geology in particular. Comfort, with “Nothing Created Everything,” has brought the discussion into the mainstream, along with important spokesmen like Ken Ham.
Comfort deftly attacks a real weakness with evolutionary theory, the fact that it is not science alone, but philosophy. It is a worldview that is used by unbelievers to provide an intellectual stage for removing God from the conversation. Comfort recognizes this and thus uses as examples a museum bearing the sign “Grand Gallery of Evolution,” which was devoid of evidence for evolution, and such famous examples as Archaeopteryx – the alleged link between dinosaur and birds.
Perhaps it’s his decades of experience in street evangelism that enables Comfort to engage people like Dawkins and Brown’s Kenneth Miller (who has a reputation as a nasty foe for creationists). Whatever his training, Comfort knows that evolutionary theory has destroyed many a college student. And it is in this arena that Comfort most skillfully applies logic through the title and premise of his book: if the atheist claims that nothing created everything, he or she has foisted an embarrassing silence upon the face of students eager to learn. What, are we to believe that nothing truly created everything?
One of the most interesting sections of the book is Comfort’s description of the 2009 conversion of atheist A.N. Wilson. You’ll have to read for yourself, but Comfort explains that the reality of death in our world is a linchpin in understanding his worldview.
He also follows this theme of worldview to point out that logically, evolutionists justify all sorts of behavior being the result of our “animal” natures. This gets to the heart of sin in our world today.
In Chapter 7, Comfort makes a remarkable statement: “Who would have believed that any human being would ever have to try and prove to any other human being that we were created? It is evidence that we live in a world of insanity where it has become commonplace for fathers to murder their children, husbands to beat their wives, kids to kill kids at school. It is an insane world where people breathe in carcinogens in the form of a cigarette and feel cool, where it’s normal and good to poison yourself through alcoholic intoxication, where lying and stealing are acceptable behavior.”
Try as evolutionists do, they cannot escape the fact that as evolutionary theory has gained ascendancy in our world, these aforementioned bad behaviors have metastasized in our culture. One of the great features of Comfort’s book is that, unlike many creationist titles that get bogged-down in evidence arguments, “Nothing Created Everything,” offers a lucid, in-depth philosophical basis for faith in Jesus Christ.
In motoring through a scenery of bad evolutionary arguments, Comfort uses a terrific term that I can only assume he coined: “Genesisophobics.”
Again, Comfort uses the incredibly effective argument that evolution is philosophy and not observable science to make “Nothing Created Everything,” one of the most effective tools for educating the public that I’ve seen in some time.
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