Get the book the ‘Muslim Mafia’ tried to stop!

By WND Staff

WASHINGTON – It’s the book the entire media establishment considered too hot to mention.

It’s the book the Council on American-Islamic Relations tried to stop with an end-run around the First Amendment.

And it’s the only book ever to provide the real “inside” story of jihadism run amok in the U.S.

It’s called “Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America.”

“Inside” is not just hyperbole.

One of the authors of the book planned an elaborate and daring undercover operation, placing his son, posing as an Islamic convert, as a trusted intern inside CAIR, which bills itself as an innocent, American-as-apple-pie Muslim “civil rights” group.

But the real CAIR, and the real “Muslim Mafia,” are exposed as never before in this book. That’s why they found it so threatening and tried to stop dissemination of the materials gathered in the sting operation, including thousands of pages of internal documents currently in the hands of the FBI.

This is still a story virtually unreported by the rest of the media. They didn’t tell you about the daring and courageous undercover investigation. They didn’t tell you about the stunning revelations in the book. And they didn’t tell you about the lawsuit CAIR filed to try to bury the book and its authors.

Don’t wait for Fox and CNN to report what you will find in “Muslim Mafia.” You will have to read it for yourself – like tens of thousands of others have already done, making it the top-selling book on terrorism in the United States over the last six months.

Do you care about national security?

It’s time to take matters into your own hands. Get “Muslim Mafia” today.