Is oil catastrophe fulfillment of Genesis prophecy?

By Joe Kovacs

Is there a spiritual, biblical connection to the BP oil catastrophe?

A new video on YouTube is suggesting a possible link to the disaster due to America’s recent treatment of Israel, and at least one well-known Bible analyst, Hal Lindsey, thinks there’s a valid correlation.

The video was produced and posted today by Carl Gallups of the Hickory Hammock Baptist Church in Milton, Fla., and is embedded here:

“April the 19th, Israel celebrates its independence in 2010,” Gallups says in narration on the video. “On April the 19th, Fox News reports that the U.S. will no longer automatically support Israel in the United Nations. The next day, on April the 20th, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explodes. Coincidence? Or the hand and judgment of God?”

The minister cites an ancient promise God made to Abraham, the patriarch of the 12 tribes of Israel, one tribe of which is Judah, from which the Jews derive their name.

In the Book of Genesis, God told him, “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse … .” (Genesis 12:2-3, New International Version)

The ancient warning of catastrophes has begun! Get the book that documents disasters tied to the forsaking of Israel

The video displays a screenshot of a Fox News story titled, “Obama and Israel: Showdown at the U.N.?”

Its first sentence reads: “The Obama administration is reportedly signaling another major shift in policy towards one of its staunchest allies, Israel, and this shift could change the way it votes at the Security Council. The change would mean an end to the U.S.’ use of its veto power in the United Nations Security Council when certain anti-Israel resolutions are introduced for a vote.‪”

Gallups says while he was preparing his radio show, he wondered what else happened in the time frame of the rig explosion, to see if there was any connection to anything biblical at all.

He found the Fox News article dated April 19, and said what’s significant about the date is that it’s Israel’s Independence Day this year.

Although Israel’s original declaration took place May 14, 1948, the annual celebration actually floats from year to year in Israel, based on the lunar-based Hebrew calendar, and took place on April 19, 2010.

Upon realizing the date connection, “I looked at that and chills went up and down my spine,” he told WND. “That’s when I knew there was a correlation. To me, I just immediately felt a spiritual connection to it. If you have a spiritual perception at all, it really hits you hard.”

Are all these major events just a coincidence or awe-inspiring signs that God is actively involved with Israel?

Referring to Israel as a “prophetic signpost,” Gallups said, “It seems to me we’re turning our back on Israel, and that’s a very dangerous biblical or spiritual place to be.”

Gallups is not alone with the sentiment America could be under a curse from God.

“I believe this is evidence that when you turn your back on Israel, especially when you’ve been a supporter, you’re gonna see judgments come from God,” said Hal Lindsey, author of “The Late Great Planet Earth.”

“It’s finally reaching the point where God is removing His protection from us,” he said. “I believe we back away from being a friend to Israel at our peril. We need to come back to be a supporter of one who is so important in God’s plan.”

Regarding the oil spill specifically, Lindsey said, “I think that this disaster is just one of many disasters. Our country is falling apart economically. The current government is overturning our constitutional republic, turning it into a socialist country. That’s about as big a curse as you can get. We just have one catastrophe after another and then we have this big wake-up call in the Gulf.”

Lindsey, who at age 80 is still active analyzing Bible prophecy on his website, said in preparation for his programs, he studies current world events, taking note of calamities.

“It used to be you’d have to hunt for things, but now it’s a matter of sorting out which one you’re gonna use. There are just so many catastrophes and disasters,” he said. “That’s not a popular view to take, by the way, as critics will say, ‘There they go again.’ No one wants to address true judgment from God.”

WND asked Lindsey if he thought we’re now in the “end time” spoken of in the Bible before the return of Jesus Christ to Earth.

“I think the prophecies are written that they encourage us to look for Christ’s return,” he said. “It’s written so that it’s imminent, that it could come at any time.”

“This is not an ordinary time,” Lindsey continued. “I certainly thought that He would come sooner … but the scenario and pattern about what Bible prophecy has predicted is here. I’ve never said I know when He’s going to come, but I believe we’re in the general time.”

When Hurricane Katrina devastated the U.S. Gulf Coast in 2005, there was similar talk about possible divine retribution thrust upon America for its support of the Gaza evacuation in Israel.

“Katrina is a consequence of the destruction of [Gaza’s] Gush
Katif [slate of Jewish communities] with America’s urging and
encouragement,” Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Lewin, executive director of the
Rabbinic Congress for Peace, told WND. “The U.S. should have
discouraged Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon from implementing the
Gaza evacuation rather than pushing for it and pressuring Israel into

Gallups, meanwhile, is frustrated with YouTube, for freezing the hit counter for his video at 309 views, within a half-hour of its posting. He says the company often does this to his videos, if they have a theme even remotely critical of Obama.

“It is probably going viral,” Gallups explains on the YouTube page. “It will probably be at false low counts for days. YouTube will not tell me why our videos suffer from this anomaly. Our other popular vids took three or four days to start moving with any sense of ‘believability.'”

He also told WND, “I’ve gotten notes from several posters trying to upload it to Facebook. They get a warning or denial saying the content is abusive, request denied. I can’t imagine what kind of content in that video would be abusive.”

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The ancient warning of catastrophes has begun! Get the book that documents disasters tied to the forsaking of Israel

Are all these major events just a coincidence or awe-inspiring signs that God is actively involved with Israel?

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Joe Kovacs

Executive News Editor Joe Kovacs is the author of the new best-selling book, "Reaching God Speed: Unlocking the Secret Broadcast Revealing the Mystery of Everything." His previous books include "Shocked by the Bible 2: Connecting the Dots in Scripture to Reveal the Truth They Don't Want You to Know," a follow-up to his No. 1 best-seller "Shocked by the Bible: The Most Astonishing Facts You've Never Been Told" as well as "The Divine Secret: The Awesome and Untold Truth about Your Phenomenal Destiny." He is an award-winning journalist of more than 30 years in American TV, radio and the internet, and is also a former editor at the Budapest Business Journal in Europe. Read more of Joe Kovacs's articles here.