Reagan, Washington, Lincoln …

By WND Staff

WASHINGTON – This is the time of year when Americans reflect on the greatness of leaders who paved the way for more than two centuries of freedom and a system of government that changed the world.

There was George Washington, the father of our country, born Feb. 11, 280 years ago next month.

Do you know what he believed about the role of providence in the founding of the American republic?

Do you know what he said and wrote about the need for moral character in the lives of Americans if they were to maintain their liberty?

That’s what “God and America’s Founders,” by Brad O’Leary, one of the latest WND Books releases, is all about.

“God and America’s Leaders” is an all-encompassing and expertly sourced collection of quotations by our Founding Fathers and past presidents on matters of God and religion.

Compiled by a best-selling author and top political strategist, this invaluable resource leaves no doubt that America’s top leaders were men of faith, and ultimately, their strong faith in God inspired their faith in humanity – God’s greatest creation.

The words in this book should serve as intellectual and historical ammunition to document and defend America’s Judeo-Christian heritage. Though secular-humanist forces may try to expunge God from our daily lives, they can never rewrite history if you own it.

“God and America’s Leaders” covers all the great Americans – from Washington through Abraham Lincoln, whose 1809 birthday we mark Feb. 12, and Ronald Reagan, whose 100th birthday we celebrate Feb. 6.

The WND Superstore has more to offer those nostalgic for the greatness of previous American leaders:

And don’t forget about the great, great video documentary, one of the WND Superstore’s bestselling products, “A Nation Adrift.”

The WND Superstore boasts an entire department of Ronald Reagan books, videos and other products in honor of his 100th birthday this month.

You’ll also want to check out “Character for Life,” by Don Hawkinson.

When America was very young, the men and women who cut a civilization out of the New World wilderness did so with sweat, blood and ingenuity. But they also had something else – they had the invisible but vital qualities of character so necessary for such an undertaking. How fortunate for Americans today that this nation received the gift of many of the Old World’s finest pioneers in the law, politics and religion.

Hawkinson brings profiles of those men and women to new life in

“Character for Life.” Some of those profiled were the spiritual ancestors of the founders of America, and some shaped early culture in America.

And one more to consider: Gary DeMar’s “America’s Christian History.”

In times like these, when America is mired in moral and economic crisis, it’s good to recall our roots.