Photos document serial murder case against abortionist

By WND Staff

Editor’s Note: This story deals with graphic images of aborted babies that were the subject of an indictment triggering the arrest of an abortionist. Be aware that the images in the links are disturbing.

They’re graphic, gruesome and gut-wrenching. And they’re now available online to document the horrors of a successful abortion business.

They are the images reviewed by authorities in Pennsylvania who ultimately arrested and jailed abortionist Kermit Gosnell, his wife and eight other suspects after a grand jury handed down indictments that include eight counts of murder.

The counts are for the death of 41-year-old Karnamaya Mongar, who died Nov. 20, 2009, when she overdosed on painkillers during an abortion, and seven babies authorities say were born alive during failed illegal late-term abortions and then killed by Gosnell or his clinic workers.

Officials with Operation Rescue, a group that bought a building housing an abortion business in Wichita, Kan., as part of a process to close it down, have posted online the full 280-plus page indictment containing the graphic images that grand jury members had to review.

The organization, led by Troy Newman, also has posted the images on its website.

In one photo, a little boy has his right hand at his mouth, almost like he’s sucking his thumb, and in another a little girl with dark hair lies on her back with a medical tab on her left arm.

Then there’s the image of the back of the neck of a baby boy who was born alive and allegedly killed after birth, the photo revealing where the defendants allegedly inserted a scissors to cut his spinal cord.

Further images show a pile of brightly colored garbage bags in the clinic basement – all containing “biohazard” material as well as bags filling a freezer that hold “aborted baby remains.”

According to OR, the grand jury had a stern rebuke for various regulators whose inspectors “looked the other way” regarding Gosnell’s activities.

“These people who saw the abuses yet stood idly by, or worse, encouraged the behavior that has now shocked the nation bear some responsibility for what happened in Philadelphia. In fact, they deserve criminal prosecution just as much as Gosnell and his cohorts because their silence not only enabled the crimes, but gave tacit consent to them,” the OR report said.

“Operation Rescue calls for massive reforms in the way abortionists and abortion clinics are handled by regulatory agencies nationwide. Kermit Gosnell’s shop of horrors is certainly not the only abortion mill of this kind in operation in America,” the statement said.

“Operation Rescue calls for immediate emergency inspections of every abortion clinic in the nation. We have often said that if this were to ever happen, no abortion clinic would remain in operation because we have yet to discover one that adheres to all the laws that apply to them. There is no doubt that proper enforcement of the laws already in place would save the lives of women like Mrs. Mongar and babies such as the ones whose tragic images we have posted on our web site,” said Newman.

“As the 38th memorial of Roe v. Wade approaches, it is time for Americans to consider the horrors of abortion and demand that government abolish this barbaric practice forever,” he said.