‘Pattern emerges’ of abortionists covering for child sex-traffickers

By Drew Zahn

Live Action President Lila Rose

Three more undercover videos taken at separate Planned Parenthood clinics have been released by an organization called Live Action, which claims it’s finding “alarming patterns” of abortion providers willing to aid and abet underage sex-trafficking.

“Live Action has previously released more than a dozen hidden camera videos from ten states,” Live Action asserted in a statement. “This body of visual evidence shows several alarming patterns of illegal Planned Parenthood activities including cover-up of sexual abuse of minors, the skirting of parental consent laws, citing unscientific and fabricated medical information to manipulate women to have abortions, and Planned Parenthood’s willingness to accept donations earmarked to abort African-American babies.”

As WND reported earlier this week, the Live Action team, posing as the leaders of an underage prostitution ring in Richmond, Va., discovered a Planned Parenthood worker assuring them they’d find “no judgment, no sharing of information, like, uh, nothing here,” at the clinic and explaining how they could go about getting a “judicial bypass” of abortion laws for girls as young as 14 or 15.

Understand Planned Parenthood’s agenda. Get “Marketing of Evil: How Radicals, Elitists, and Pseudo-Experts Sell Us Corruption Disguised as Freedom”

Now Live Action has released three more videos to demonstrate an ongoing “pattern” of ignoring sex-trafficking.

“We are sending [Virginia] Attorney General Cuccinelli and Virginia law enforcement officials new, disturbing footage from three Virginia clinics,” says Live Action President Lila Rose. “The footage explicitly shows Planned Parenthood staff willing to engage in activity that sexually exploits minors and young women. The evidence continues to mount and shows a clear pattern where Planned Parenthood is willing aid and abet the sex-trafficking industry.

“These are abhorrent practices, and it is time Planned Parenthood be held accountable,” Rose said.

The videos capture conversations between the undercover “pimp” and Planned Parenthood staffers in three Virginia cities: Charlottesville, Falls Church and Roanoke.

In the Roanoke video, viewable below, the Planned Parenthood staffer offered the “pimp” emergency, 5-day contraceptive pills that he could pick up for his underage “girls.” The staffer also encouraged him, if he was worried about having a sexually transmitted disease, to go donate blood, because the plasma places “have to test for everything anyway.”

She further explained for his underage girls, “From the age of 12 up, for birth control,
you can just come in and do that. You don’t have to have a parent, OK?”

The Roanoke video can be seen below:

At Falls Church, the staffer did warn that if the “pimp” sought abortion services for underage girls, there could be issues with statutory rape laws, including mandatory reporting to the authorities.

But the same worker also assured him that his prostitutes who were illegal immigrants didn’t have to worry about being reported to the authorities.

“We don’t necessarily look at the legal status,” the staffer said. “Like I said, abortion appointments do require photo ID. It’s nothing as far as records. It’s just photo ID that’s ever going to be required.”

Following a previous Live Action video filmed in New Jersey, where a staffer advised the “pimp” to have his trafficked underage girls lie about their age to avoid mandatory reporting laws, the staffer was reportedly fired, and Planned Parenthood spoke up.

Phyllis Kinsler, a New Jersey Planned Parenthood executive, said that the staffer’s behavior “shocked” her and insisted the company has “zero tolerance” for it.

“We are fully committed to delivering high-quality reproductive health care to the women of our communities, complying with all laws, and upholding the highest ethical standards,” she told the Associated Press.

After release of the subsequent Richmond video, however, in which a staffer explained how the pimp could obtain “judicial bypass” abortions for underage girls, Planned Parenthood defended its staffer and criticized Live Action.

“The Planned Parenthood staff member reacted professionally to a highly unusual person posing as a patient,” said spokesman Stuart Schear in a statement. “After the encounter, the staff member immediately notified her supervisor, who subsequently notified members of Planned Parenthood’s national security team, who are working with the FBI, which is investigating these visits.”

Lois Shepherd, professor at the University of Virginia Center for Biomedical Ethics, told ABC News the worker was “ethically required” to inform the “pimp” of the judicial bypass process and that “it’s not just permissible under Virginia law, it’s a clearly recognized constitutional right of minors to seek a judge’s approval without their parents knowing.”

Rose, however, disagrees.

“It is utterly disgusting that Planned Parenthood’s response to this is that their employee reacted ‘professionally,'” said Rose. “The only acceptable response to encountering a self-identified sex-trafficker of underage girls is zero tolerance. The only ‘professional’ response is to immediately call law enforcement to the scene and push for an arrest. Our investigation – and their response – continues to show that an institutional crisis has engulfed the highest levels of Planned Parenthood.

“If you’re a sex-trafficker of minors or young women, you have a partner in Planned Parenthood,” she continued. “But if you are a minor or a young woman, you are not safe at Planned Parenthood clinics.”

Video of the Richmond clinic staffer’s “professional” response can be seen below:

Previously, undercover videos filmed and produced by Live Action have documented Planned Parenthood staffers expressing “excitement” at a donation that would kill unborn black children, repeatedly providing medically incorrect information to patients and multiple cases in which statutory rape is hidden.

Live Action founder Lila Rose, a UCLA student, and her team of friends have conducted stings that prompted multiple investigations by states. Investigations in Virginia cost Planned Parenthood $500,000 in funding, in Orange County, Calif., $300,000, the potential loss of $1.1 million in Tennessee and another $4.5 million in California.

Further, the Monroe County, Ind., prosecutor launched a grand jury investigation in response to videos revealing alleged sexual abuse cover-up. In Arizona, the Maricopa County prosecutor asked the legislature to strengthen existing reporting statutes. In Alabama, Attorney General Troy King launched an investigation of Planned Parenthood and in the same state, the Department of Health put Planned Parenthood of Birmingham on probation after finding many violations.

Live Action notes that federal law makes sexual trafficking of minors a crime punishable by a 10-year-to-life prison term. And anyone who aids or abets the crime can be punished as if he or she had committed the crime.

The organization also noted that Planned Parenthood receives in the range of $300 million of taxpayer funding each year.

Previous videos document misinformation coming from Planned Parenthood:

Also uncovered was the willingness to accept race-based donations:

And then there’s the issue of concealing sex abuse:

Drew Zahn

Drew Zahn covers movies for WND as a contributing writer. A former pastor, he is the editor of seven books, including Movie-Based Illustrations for Preaching & Teaching, which sparked his ongoing love affair with film and his weekly WND column, "Popcorn and a (world)view." Drew currently serves as communications director for The Family Leader. Read more of Drew Zahn's articles here.