Remember the good old days when Barack Obama didn’t have time for “silliness” about his birth certificate?
Well, ever since he was permitted by the watchdog media to release, after two and a half years of stonewalling, a digital simulation of what he claims to be his long-form birth certificate, without any efforts at validation or verification, Obama has found plenty of time for something he previously avoided like the plague.
I want to remind you of a little history: Obama spent hundreds of thousands of dollars, perhaps as much as $1.7 million, on legal fees to avoid releasing a birth certificate. He made excuses for not releasing it for years. He claimed it would be embarrassing to release it. Hawaii officials claimed they could not and would not release it. They claimed the document was partially handwritten and partially typed, which is not the case with what the White House has shown.
Yet, after all that, only one media organization in the entire world – this one – has bothered to submit the document to forensic investigation.
It was because of that blind media incuriosity that the Obama White House and campaign (a distinction without a difference) has decided to turn the release of the birth certificate into some kind of political triumph.
So what are the Obama White House/2012 campaign up to now?
The people who were above all this “silliness” are now peddling “Made in the USA” T-shirts emblazoned with Obama’s unvetted and highly questionable birth certificate. Coffee mugs are available, too. Much to the incurious media’s delight, the White House/Obama campaign is also demonizing a book it has never liked – a book, by the way, that forced Obama to release the document that purports to be his valid, certified birth certificate.
That book, of course, is Jerome Corsi’s “Where’s the Birth Certificate? The Case That Barack Obama is Not Eligible To Be President.”
To date, neither the White House nor the Obama campaign, if you can separate them, has provided as much as a single factual criticism of the book. But they sure are trying to discredit it with sweeping mischaracterizations.
Let me explain what all this means.
What Obama is attempting to do here is quite simple. He is trying to isolate the only meaningful challenge to his constitutional credentials for holding office. In prototypical Alinskyite fashion (rule No. 13), the Obama camp is playing this dangerous old game – “identify, isolate, freeze and escalate.”
Who is getting identified, isolated, frozen and escalated? The “birthers.” Jerry Corsi. Me. WND. We have become enemy No. 1 for Obama. With Osama’s scalp on his belt, we are the new terrorists.
Donald Trump capitulated and will now, mark my words, make billions more building the tallest edifice in the world in Chicago with little red tape to concern him.
Most of the media have too much scorn for Corsi to examine the case of ineligibility or the compelling questions about the alleged birth certificate.
The politicians in Washington – Democrat and Republican alike – don’t have the stomach for this fight.
So what’s left?
You and me and Corsi and all the principled, informed, skeptical citizens who believe in due diligence on matters as important as constitutional eligibility for the presidency.
How do we win this fight?
Right now, the best thing you can do is to propel the success of Corsi’s book – arming yourself with new information in the process.
If this book continues to sell, it cannot be ignored. We’ve been at this battle a long time. We’ve been called every name in the book. We’ve been ridiculed and marginalized, stereotyped and demeaned. We brought this issue to the American people over two years and they embraced it, despite what the media and Washington elites told them.
We can do it again. Help us continue to pursue the truth about Obama.
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