Now that our dear leader has again shown his contempt for Israel and his sentimental attachment to radical Muslims, Israelis are feeling the heat from Jew haters worldwide more than at any time since World War II. Obama’s modern-day version of the final solution is for Israel to simply cooperate in its own suicide by giving up the Golan Heights, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
In exchange, the Israelis would get – you guessed it – absolutely nothing! The Muslims don’t even need the West Bank or the Gaza Strip. If Israel just gave the Golan Heights back to Syria (whom, we are reminded by Hillary Goofus, is ruled by a “reformer”), it would cease to exist in about a month. Nothing like looking down on your enemies from above and having the luxury of choosing the most efficient way to destroy them.
In 1967, after years of threatening to “wipe Israel off the map,” Egypt and other Arab countries finally mustered the courage to attack. They huffed and they puffed and … well, they blew their own house down, humiliating themselves and the entire Arab world in the process. Israel’s superior military forces crushed the puff-prone Arabs in six days, from whence came the name “Six-Day War.”
Since then, land annexed by the Israelis following that war has been referred to by the Muslim world and progressives in the Western world as “the occupied territories.” But what those who rail on about “Israeli occupation” of these territories either don’t realize or fail to acknowledge is that immediately following the Six-Day War, the Israeli government, in a gesture of goodwill, offered to return the Golan Heights to Syria, the Sinai peninsula to Egypt and most of the West Bank to Jordan in exchange for peace.
The defeated Arab nations responded to Israel’s offer by arrogantly declaring “no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, and no negotiations with Israel.” Hmm … not a whole lot of incentive for Israel to try to please their attackers.
An important fact of life that no one ever seems to mention when it comes to the Israeli-Palestinian land dispute is that when you win a war, you take whatever you please. When a bunch of lunatics who spend their lives focused on death and destruction threaten to kill you, then attack you, why in the world would they expect you to give back their land after you crush them? It’s simply not the way life works.
Here’s a tip to nations around the globe that harbor fantasies about hegemony: If you don’t want your land taken from you, don’t attack another country.
But there’s yet a harsher reality. Even if someone attacks you, and you lose, history teaches us that you’re still likely to have to give up some or all of your land. After the Normans invaded England in 1066, they didn’t negotiate with the Anglo-Saxons. They simply took over, and today, nearly a thousand years later, no one questions the legitimacy of the British royal family. It all comes under the heading of the Kick-Butt Reality of War, which is a subheading of life’s No. 1 rule: Life Isn’t Fair.
What makes the so-called Palestinian situation unique is that the Jews were already in old Jerusalem as far back as 6,000 years ago. But who got there first is a moot point, at best, because the city has been destroyed twice and changed hands 44 times over the millennium.
Further, the Jews insist that God gave them the land, and that’s a pretty strong debating point to overcome, even if you don’t agree with it. The truth is that the situation is so complex that no one knows all the facts, and, worse, most of the loudest voices know almost none of the facts. But some things are crystal clear:
First, Israel took a virtual wasteland and built it into a modern, democratic, wealthy nation that has given the world incredible breakthroughs in medicine, science and technology.
Second, the so-called Palestinians have spent 64 years painting themselves as victims, living in poverty as a result of corrupt leaders (such as Yasser Arafat, who diverted billions in foreign aid to his personal bank accounts abroad), failing to engage in entrepreneurship and dissipating their energies by focusing on their hatred of Israelis.
Third, thousands of wars throughout history have left millions of people unhappy. Again, life isn’t fair, and the Kick-Butt Reality of War always prevails, regardless of whether it displeases some people. (Think American Indians.) What I’m saying here is that the so-called Palestinian displacement is not unique. It’s time for Arabs to get over it and deal with the world as it is today.
To make matters worse, we now have a U.S. president who encouraged the removal of one of our strongest allies, Hosni Mubarak, which opened the door for his beloved Muslim Brotherhood pals to take power. This, in turn, will likely lead to the abrogation of Egypt’s peace treaty with Israel.
Having said all this, I will make an unequivocal prediction right here and now: If Israel were ever to be destroyed and the Jews were banished from the Holy Land, nothing would change for Mideast Muslims. Nothing!
In other words, the fact that Jews now control Israel is a red herring. If Israel disappeared tomorrow, radical Muslims would start a frantic search for a new devil to blame for their dysfunctional lives. Nothing will change for the so-called Palestinians until they man up and start taking responsibility for the consequences of their actions.
They need to understand that when you continue to do the same thing over and over again, you’re going to get the same result. Muslims worldwide need to start getting up every morning and focusing on constructive pursuits rather than spending all their time plotting new ways to kill Jews. To use a well-worn cliché, they need to get a life.
Servile Biden-puffing ‘journalists’ loyal to the end
Tim Graham