The ill-informed race mongers

By Joseph Farah

They’re still playing the race card on people who insist the president of the United States should have to prove he is constitutionally eligible for office.

Meet Rep. Jim Clyburn, the assistant Democratic leader in the House.

He gave an interview to the McClatchy News Service in which he claimed that those concerned about Barack Obama’s eligibility are racists.

“I don’t know why anybody didn’t ask for John McCain’s” birth certificate, Clyburn said. “He wasn’t even born in this country.”

Clyburn should read Jerome Corsi’s “Where’s the Birth Certificate? The Case That Barack Obama Is Not Eligible To Be President.” The first chapter of the book recounts the forgotten media hysteria over McCain’s eligibility issue. The New York Times and CNN and other major media outlets published and broadcast dozens of stories questioning McCain’s qualification as a “natural born citizen” – ultimately leading to a hearing in the U.S. Senate and a unanimous finding that the senator was eligible because both his parents were U.S. citizens.

That has always been the accepted definition of a “natural born citizen” since the day the phrase was included in the Constitution among the meager, but unique, qualifications for the office of president and vice president.

I guess it would be too much to ask that Clyburn read the papers and pay attention to what goes on over in the Senate. And, by the way, why didn’t Clyburn, when he was in the leadership of the majority party in 2008, simply ask for John McCain’s birth certificate if he was so interested?

But it gets worse.

Did James Rosen of the Washington bureau of the McClatchy News Service correct the record in his story?


Did he point out to his interview subject that, indeed, there were many calls for McCain to prove his eligibility?


Did he point out the unanimous finding of the Democrat-dominated U.S. Senate in 2008?


Did he ask him why he didn’t, as a member of the House leadership, ask McCain for proof of eligibility if he were sincerely interested?


He just let him play the race card – evidently because he liked it or because he was as ill-informed as Clyburn.

Another day, another couple of Washington insiders exchanging ignorances in public.

But consider what they are doing – labeling as “racist” those who insist the Constitution be enforced.

This is not only provably untrue, it is the polar opposite of truth.

Let me point out that the white guy in the 2008 presidential race – the guy who had served in Congress for 30 years and previously run for president – was the one forced to prove his eligibility. The half-black guy – with three years in Congress, whose two fathers were both foreign citizens and who attended school in Indonesia as an Indonesian citizen, was not asked to prove anything!

If there’s racism on parade in the matter of eligibility it would have to be anti-white racism, no?

Maybe Obama got a free ride because he was black?

Maybe others were afraid to bring up the constitutional issue because yokels like Clyburn would smear them as racists?

Maybe when you run out of intelligent arguments against enforcing the Constitution there’s nowhere to turn but invectives?

Maybe there should be an IQ test before we allow people to run for Congress to prevent America from being embarrassed by the likes of Jim Clyburn and company?

Maybe now that a totally unqualified black man, who is ineligible to boot, has been elected to the presidency, we can stop whining about racism in America?

Maybe I’m getting sick and tired of nattering nabobs like Jim Clyburn getting to spew this kind of drivel without any consequences – including being confronted with the truth by a reporter with half a brain?

I vote yes to all of the above.

Joseph Farah

Joseph Farah is founder, editor and chief executive officer of WND. He is the author or co-author of 13 books that have sold more than 5 million copies, including his latest, "The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament." Before launching WND as the first independent online news outlet in 1997, he served as editor in chief of major market dailies including the legendary Sacramento Union. Read more of Joseph Farah's articles here.