Palin documentary: 2012 game changer

By Pamela Geller

Filmmaker Steve K. Bannon invited me to an exclusive screening of his new Sarah Palin documentary “The Undefeated” in New York last weekend. The film is a game changer. Palin is a political force not seen since Ronald Reagan, little understood by elites on both sides of the aisle. Bannon has done this country a great service. Palin is one of the most media-saturated of all public figures, and yet few know her story or her exceptional record.

No governor at any time, not LaGuardia, Roosevelt or even Reagan, accomplished anywhere near what Palin achieved in her first 18 months in office. We all fell in love with her for a reason, and after years of Palin-bashing, this film reminds us why. While America may look to Alaska for its energy, what America should look to Alaska for is her leadership.

The origin of the film was inauspicious. Bannon was approached by Palin’s close aide, Rebecca Mansour, with a request to make a few YouTube videos explaining a number of Palin’s accomplishments while governor of Alaska. But so taken was Bannon with Palin’s record and leadership that he made a feature-length movie, financing it himself while keeping complete editorial control. Palin was not even interviewed for the film.

Even those of us who thought we knew what a champion Palin was knew little of her monumental achievements. Her chief accomplishment is the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act (AGIA), which allowed for more progress to be made on the Alaska pipeline than had been made in decades. She also opened up drilling for oil and natural gas in areas of Alaska that had been closed to it for years.

 As governor, Palin reduced earmark requests for Alaska by 80 percent and cut spending in her budget for Fiscal Year 2010 by more than $1 billion dollars from the previous governor’s budget. She vetoed $500 million in spending, while not reducing necessary services.

One Alaskan told me: “I grew up in Eagle River, Alaska, during the ’60s; trust me, the oil companies owned that state. It says everything about Palin that she not only stood up to them but won.”

The film is divided into three parts. First, how she came from nothing to battle the corrupt powers fighting against her (and the best interest of Alaskans) and achieved unprecedented success in a very short period of time. The second part shows the true leadership, natural charisma and intelligence that makes Palin uniquely qualified to inherit the Reagan mantle. Bannon said: “This film is a call to action for a campaign like 1976: Reagan vs. the establishment.”

I hope this is the opening salvo in the right’s counter assault on the left’s cultural choke-hold and the manufactured narratives they audaciously call news. It is time, America, that we go on the offensive. Bannon kicks off the film by exposing the fierce pathology behind Palin Derangement Syndrome with a series of vidclips of well-known “celebrities” spewing X-rated, misogynistic, sexist and vicious remarks about Palin. It speaks more to their character, or lack thereof. Bannon actually has two versions of the film – the X-rated version and the PG-13 edit for family audiences.

What I admire most is how Palin does not back down in spite of this misogynistic war on her very existence. Having been on the receiving end of violent left-wing poison, I can tell you that the abuse against her is shocking. And yet Sarah moves forward without hesitation, with guts and grit and grace. I love her. She has character and spine like no one else. Obama would melt in one day under such relentless attack. The left does not realize that they have trained this woman for D-day battle.

America needs to see this movie, if for no other reason, to know what a real leader looks like and acts like, and to understand what Palin actually accomplished. America must begin to understand how violent and destructive the elitists that control information dissemination have become. We witness an absolute campaign of destruction of a squeaky clean, brilliant, accomplished champion of the people by bloodthirsty, jealous hyenas. And the craven complicity of the Republican establishment will drive legions away from the old guard and their Rovian mechanics. The old guard must stand down.

While every election is critical and “historic,” and every presidential election more so, sometimes it’s true. And none more than now. None more than 2012.

Every American is needed in this war for the security, the viability, the soul of America. Every American is needed on deck. Every family is a unit in the national service of our country. This is no exaggeration. This is life and death. This nation is at the precipice. A terrible war is coming, thanks in part to disastrous policies set in motion by a dangerous post-American president.

The more evil succeeds and overwhelms our foreign and domestic policy, our culture, our discourse and the very social fabric of our lives, the clearer it becomes that nothing less than a true patriot can pull us up by our bootstraps and enable us to throw off the shackles of leftism, statism and 50 years of left-wing infiltration. It won’t be easy, but it must be done to save America.

Millions of red-blooded Americans look forward to the day Sarah Palin announces her intention to run for president, despite the enormous personal cost such a run exacts. The forces of evil will unleash their absolute worst on this shining warrior, but tens of millions have her back. In 2008, she lit the fire that reignited the right. And she will again.

Run, Sarah, run.

America needs this film. “The Undefeated” hits theaters in July. Go, and take everyone you love.