As patriotic Americans consider the ongoing and consistent trade deficits that have become so commonplace to America’s economy (we last ran a trade surplus in 1975), many wish our nation would do more to expand manufacturing across the country and return to the days when we actually exported more products than we imported.
The good news is that according to a June report from the Manufacturing Institute for Supply Management, the American manufacturing sector expanded for the 22nd month in a row in May, and the U.S. economy grew overall for the 24th month in a row.
It’s clear to see, however, from a mere casual glance at today’s U.S. economy, that we still need more manufacturing might in America’s market.
One way to create more manufacturing jobs is to support the companies that already produce in America, allowing them to expand their businesses and hire more American workers. And in my mind, we should give preference to the companies that have proven over years their dedication to the American workforce and are truly proud to produce in America.
One such company that definitely is deserving of your consideration as a patriotic consumer is Jacob Bromwell.
Jacob Bromwell is an American-owned specialty housewares company that not only has been manufacturing authentic kitchen, camping, and fireplace products in America for several years – they’ve been manufacturing them here for nearly two centuries!
Jacob Bromwell was established way back in 1819, and is America’s oldest housewares company. That means that all along they have been part of the solution to America’s prosperous economy, making things here, and doing their part to keep America’s manufacturing might as strong as one patriotic company can make it.
For your kitchen, Jacob Bromwell offers authentic flour sifters, colanders, pie plates, cookie sheets, cooling racks, funnels, hand graters, rotary ricers, flat shredders, and popcorn bowls.
In short, Jacob Bromwell is the perfect addition to any kitchen.
And when your family spends time together around the ol’ fireplace, you’ll want to see some of Jacob Bromwell’s American-made products to keep the family fireplace maintained properly for more quality family togetherness time in the future.
At Jacob Bromwell you can check out their fireplace shovel, dust pan, flue stop, and pipe collar – all made in America of course!
For those family outings and camping trips, you’ll want to see the company’s compelling selection of campfire products, like their authentic campfire oven, popcorn popper, chestnut roaster, frontier frying pan, folding and pyramid toasters, old-fashioned mini grill, classic tin cup, and Ohio BBQ skewer.
Jacob Bromwell was established in America a mere three years after Thomas Jefferson famously said “…experience has now taught me that manufacturers are now as necessary to our independence as to our comfort…” in 1816.
Jacob Bromwell was around when England’s “Times and Mirror” publication cited America’s manufacturing prowess in 1879, saying, “You cannot go into an ironmongers’ shop without finding his cases full of American notions. …” and “English agriculturists … are … reaping and gathering their crops, when they gather them at all, with implements of American invention an American manufacture.”
In 1900, when Secretary of State John Hay said, “The United States is approaching … a position of eminence in the world’s markets due to superior quality and greater cheapness of . . . its manufacturers,” Jacob Bromwell was among the superior American manufacturers.
Fast-forwarding to 1972, when the Republican Party platform stated, “We deplore the practice of locating plants in foreign countries solely to take advantage of low wage rates in order to produce goods primarily for sale in the United States,” Jacob Bromwell had already been producing in the United States for more than 150 years, avoiding the temptation to offshore production all along.
More and more Americans today deplore the practice of outsourcing solely to take advantage of selling to the American market while undercutting American producers, and these are the same Americans who are committed to supporting American producers that are proudly employing American workers. Few American companies have exclusively employed only Americans for longer than Jacob Bromwell.
But that isn’t the only reason to support a patriotic company like Jacob Bromwell, because they back up their handcrafted products with a lifetime guarantee, and they offer free shipping on orders over $100. You even can sign up online and get monthly special offers emailed right to your inbox.
The best way to exercise your power as a patriotic consumer is to vote with your dollar, and channel those dollars to companies that have kept America working, growing, and prospering. Aside from making great products, that’s what Jacob Bromwell is all about.