On trial

By Joke of the Day

Prospective juror.

Editor’s note:Do you need something to smile about?

Every day, WND selects the best joke offered up by readers and contributors to its

Laughlines forum and brings it to you as the WND Joke of the Day. Here is today’s


The tiresome jury selection process continued, each side hotly contesting and

dismissing potential jurors. John was called for his question session.

“Property holder?”

“Yes, I am, your honor, for many years.”

“Married or single?”

“Married for years, your honor.”

“Formed or expressed an opinion?”

“Not in many years, your honor.”

Got a

great joke you want to share with the world? Write it up in the WND
Laughlines forum. Who knows? It might be selected as the WND Joke of
the Day – and your wildest dreams will come true.

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