‘Rathergate’ expert on birth certificate: ‘Highly suspicious’

By Jerome R. Corsi

Dan Rather

NEW YORK – The typography expert who played a key role in ending the career of CBS News anchor Dan Rather has told WND he has strong suspicions the Obama birth certificate released by the White House is fraudulent.

Joseph M. Newcomer, who exposed the “Killian documents” as fraudulent in 2004, has told WND the Obama birth certificate released by the White House April 27 is a “highly suspicious” document that deserves professional forensic examination.

“There is something deeply wrong here,” Newcomer told WND. “There are artifacts in the birth certificate document that are strongly suggestive of a forgery. The document screams out that something is wrong.”

Get the New York Times best-seller “Where’s the Birth Certificate? The Case that Barack Obama Is Not Eligible to be President,” autographed by Jerome Corsi, Ph.D.

Newcomer’s 7,000-word analysis of the Killian documents in the Rather case demonstrated that the purported memos regarding George W. Bush’s experience in the Texas Air National Guard during the Vietnam War were produced on a modern computer word processor, not a 1970s-era manual typewriter.

Newcomer stressed that he was relying on published charges that the Obama birth certificate was fraudulent, including the analysis by scanner expert Doug Vogt and by typography expert Paul Irey.

He was particularly concerned about the date stamps on the Obama birth certificate that displayed a clear difference between highly pixelated gray scale letters and numbers and a final number that displayed sharp black and white characteristics.

As WND previously reported, Vogt made the same observation.

Read about the evidence on Obama’s “Certificate of Live Birth.”

As shown below, the date stamps in boxes 20 and 22 of the Obama document recording the date the local registrar and registrar general accepted the birth certificate have two different shades, on the line of text in the printed form and in the date stamp itself.

Obama birth certificate “date accepted by registrar general”

“If I saw these differences in a document I was examining, it would scream out at me that the document was a ‘cut-and-paste’ fraud,” Newcomer said.

He said that the Hawaii Department of Health should release the original Obama birth certificate to the public for independent forensic examination.

“Often a forensic expert can determine a forged document with certainty by examining a copy of the document,” he pointed out. “But the only way to prove the document is authentic is to have the original in your hands.”

In a review of the Dan Rather case, the Weekly Standard commented that even today, Newcomer’s evaluation “remains definitive.”

Newcomer told WND that health issues would not permit him to undertake the type of rigorous analysis of the Obama birth certificate that he attempted in 2004 with the Killian documents.

Jerome R. Corsi

Jerome R. Corsi, a Harvard Ph.D., is a WND senior staff writer. He has authored many books, including No. 1 N.Y. Times best-sellers "The Obama Nation" and "Unfit for Command." Corsi's latest book is "Partners in Crime." Read more of Jerome R. Corsi's articles here.