Chicago’s top cop is a coward

By Mychal Massie

I’ve heard stupid and then I’ve heard really stupid. But the grand prize for being “bischero, idiota, stupido,” and intentionally dishonest goes to Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy.

Standing in Chicago’s Saint Sabina Church, he told the congregation that federal gun laws are akin to “government-sponsored racism.” Forget for a moment that he said this in the church Michael Pfleger showboats in, but we’ll come back to that.

McCarthy said: “So here’s what I want to tell you. See, let’s see if we can make a connection here – slavery, segregation, black codes, Jim Crow. What did they all have in common? Anybody getting sacred? Government-sponsored racism. Now I want you to connect one more dot on that chain of the African-American history in this country, and tell me if I’m crazy. Federal gun laws that facilitate the flow of illegal firearms into our urban centers across this country, that are killing our black and brown children. We’ve got to get the gun debate back to center, and its got to come with the recognition of who’s paying the price for the gun manufacturers being rich and living in gated communities.”

He is right in saying that slavery, segregation, black codes and Jim Crow were government-sponsored – they were created, sponsored, protected and enforced by Democrats, and Democrats in Chicago were rivaled in character only by Bull Connor himself. It was also dishonest for him to overlook that Chicago Democrats stoned Dr. King in broad daylight, a full two years after the signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

McCarthy was engaging in one of the oldest forms of bigotry – ascribing anti-social criminal behavior of blacks to external primary causal factors applicable only to blacks. Because as long as liberal manipulators refuse to hold blacks accountable and are successful in blaming whites for the dysfunction of the inner city, while providing vacuous promises and welfare handouts, where is the incentive for change?

What he also didn’t mention is that the level of crime in the inner cities has risen exponentially as liberal government, motivated by guilt or design (and I argue it was both), intruded into the personal lives of individuals vis-à-vis race-based Great Society initiatives. At the signing of the Civil Rights Act, 87 percent of black households were married, two-parent homes, and 40 percent of blacks were business owners.

He also neglected to mention that if it hadn’t been for the constitutional right to own and bear arms, more blacks would have been lynched and/or had their homes and families suffer harm.

McCarthy is dishonest and unfit to be in law enforcement. I know good, hardworking, honest Chicago police officers – fine men and women – but McCarthy’s performance at St. Sabina’s is more representative of Jon Burge.

The breakdown of the black family, the retreat from education, the liberal assault on law enforcement and left-handed racial pandering by McCarthy and those like him contribute to and encourage the devolvement we witness in urban households.

He said he wasn’t afraid to talk about race and then launched a vulgar ipse dixit attack against big business, and by inference, rich whiteys. Just how does he know how the owners of the firearms companies live? A quick search turned up no firearms manufacturers in Illinois, much less in Chicago, as he implied.

The truth is McCarthy is a coward. Chicago is besieged by marauding black hoodlums who belong in jail. They are no longer just threats to their own neighborhoods, they are now threats to upscale areas, and McCarthy is under pressure to put an end to it or else.

These gangs are the unrepentant product of a community that doesn’t hold them responsible. But he is afraid to speak that truth, so instead he plays the race-victimization card and attributes the problem to a racist intent of government.

What those in attendance overlooked, in their zeal to be victims, is that the Chicagoan, elected president hates guns and is fully committed to stripping Americans of their Second Amendment rights. They also overlooked the fact that the incidence of flash mobs have only started since that president’s most respected adviser became mayor of Chicago.

As for Michael Pfleger, instead of having corrupt city officials fronting for the will of Obama, using his pulpit to foment racial discord, he should aspire to discover why one “is called” into ministry – if indeed he is called of the Spirit of God.

His effort would be better spent preaching against the assault by Planned Parenthood on urban low-income families. The way for him to fight against violence and destruction of family is by preaching Jesus Christ and Him crucified for our sins, and what that means. But like Jackson, Sharpton, Jeremiah Wright and Farrakhan, he is a minister in title, but in actuality he is Satan’s hand puppet.

Mychal Massie

Mychal Massie is founder and chairman of the Racial Policy Center (, a conservative think tank that advocates for a colorblind society. He was recognized as the 2008 Conservative Man of the Year by the Conservative Party of Suffolk County, New York. He is a nationally recognized political activist, pundit and columnist. Massie has appeared on cable news and talk-radio programming worldwide. He is also the founder and publisher of The Daily Rant: His latest book is "I Feel the Presence of the Lord." Read more of Mychal Massie's articles here.