Jihad at Fort Hood, again – where are media?

By Pamela Geller

Another Muslim soldier has been arrested for planning a jihad attack on troops at Fort Hood in Texas. Pfc. Naser Abdo, 21, shouted out “Nidal Hasan Fort Hood 2009” as he was leaving a federal courtroom Friday after admitting to his plot. He told authorities that he hoped to kill American soldiers in support of the Muslim Maj. Hasan, an Army psychiatrist who went jihad in November 2009 and murdered 13 people on the base.

How weak and culpable are the higher ups at the Department of Defense. They actually granted conscientious objector status to Abdo last year, because in Islam you wage war against the infidel, not for the infidel. The Quran says, “It is not for a believer to kill a believer unless it be by mistake” (4:92). Abdo was subsequently caught with child pornography, but according to the Shariah, you can marry girls as young as babies (and Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, married his favorite wife, Aisha, when she was 6) – so why didn’t they give him a pass on the child porn charges as well?

This jihadi who wanted to carry out a new assault on Fort Hood had, in his backpack, a copy of the article, “How to make a bomb in the kitchen of your mom,” from a devout Muslim al-Qaida website. He had amassed explosives, intending to make bombs and set them off in places where soldiers gathered, and then start shooting to make the mayhem and carnage even worse. Killeen, Texas, Police Chief Dennis Baldwin stated: “I would classify this as a terror plot.” But how much have you heard about it on the news?

Abdo’s lawyer, James Branum, said that Abdo was “very devoutly religious” and prayed Islamic prayers five times a day. I await the same intense and extensive mainstream media coverage and rabid obsession that we witnessed immediately after the Norway massacre to determine the ideology and the Islamic leaders and imams responsible for the thousands of calls to jihad that incite Muslims like Naser Abdo to violence every day. While the mainstream media demonize the right for the Norway murders, I await the same intense and extensive mainstream media coverage and deep investigative reporting on the Quran, jihad and the complete Islamic system of governance that commands adherence to the Shariah.

I await the same intense and extensive mainstream media coverage and intense investigation of the ideology that incites to jihadi wars, land appropriations, cultural annihilations, gender apartheid, enslavements, the 9/11 attacks on America, the 7/7 attacks on London, the 3/11 attacks on Madrid, the Bali attack, the multiple Mumbai attacks, the Beslan attacks, the genocide in Sudan, etc., and the murder of U.S. soldiers in Little Rock, Ark., and Fort Hood.

I expect that extremists such as Brian Williams, Anderson Cooper, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the International Herald Tribune, CNN, the BBC and all the members of the mainstream media will be just as rabidly obsessed and consumed with investigating the motive behind these attacks and the imams and Islamic leaders that incite to jihad as they have been with blaming anti-jihadists for the Norway massacre.

Where is the pained outcry over the first Fort Hood jihadi, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, and his PowerPoint presentation on Islam and the jihad doctrine? What motivated a Pentagon attack suspect back in June (a Marine, no less) to plot to bomb the Department of Defense? Was it his religious al-Qaida notebook? This same pious Muslim was found to be responsible for recent random shootings at military installations in and around Washington, D.C. Diane Sawyer, call your office.

One cold-blooded killer who had been planning his slaughter in Norway since before 9/11 has become the rallying cry of the dhimmedia in service to the most radical and extreme ideology on the face of the earth. Where is the same obsessive drive to determine the motivation and the manifesto behind the jihad? Where are the investigative reports on the imams and the mosques that teach, advance and prescribe violence? Where is the Woodward and Bernstein team to investigate what has motivated two Muslims now to kill American soldiers at Fort Hood?

The double standard is glaring. How many more Americans will have to be massacred at Fort Hood and elsewhere before the media ends its willful blindness about jihad and demonization of anti-jihad fighters, and faces the real problem?