As the tenth anniversary of 9/11 approaches, a video documentary looks at another side of the worst-ever foreign attack on American soil.
It doesn’t examine the enemy.
It doesn’t even focus on the victims.
It zeroes in on the rescue effort and something they found that had a dramatic effect on them – providing meaning and hope amid the tragedy and death.
Everyone remembers the image of what they discovered – an unmistakable cross made of twisted metal placed there at Ground Zero as if it had been intentionally planted.
Some think it was.
That’s what “The Cross and the Towers” is all about.
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The movie follows the lives of seven individuals whose lives were changed forever, not only by the events of that day, but by the events of the succeeding days. They were knee deep in a horror few Americans yet appreciate.
Anxiety and despair overcame the heroic rescuers as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months.
Then they saw something that changed their perceptions, gave them new-found strength and purpose in their effort, uplifted their spirits.
“The Cross and the Towers” fully explores this “phenomenon” for the first ever. Miracle or anomaly, it made its impact on the lives of many. Thousands still flock to the memorial today.
“‘The Cross and the Towers’ is full of powerful imagery and powerful stories,” says Joseph Farah, founder and editor of WND. “It is moving. It is inspirational. It is a message of hope and triumph amid tragedy.”
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